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My dad smacks the desk in front of him. “Damn, son. The way you describe this girl, I feel like she might be Miss America.”

“Better, because she’s Sadie.”

“I heard you say she was your Sadie. The way you talk about her leads me to believe you’ve got feelings for this girl that match the obsession with her looks, yeah?”

“Definitely. I’m not sure what’s gonna happen or how long I can go before I lay my hands on her. It’s killing me. She’s content to wait for weeks. We’re already on Day 8 and I’m jonesing for her.”

My father nods and purses his lips. “Make a deal with her. Once you pass a certain timeframe, you come together.”

I bite into my bottom lip and think about his suggestion. “That’s a great idea. You’re a genius!”

My father laughs and it fills my heart with joy. I’ve been feeling so heavy lately between telling Sadie the truth and worrying about telling my Dad, I didn’t realize I’d been carrying so much emotional baggage. Now it’s as though I’m a hundred pounds lighter.

“Well, son, I didn’t win the prettiest girl in Indiana over being a dolt now, did I? And your Sadie sounds a little like your mama. Except the eyes. Your mamma’s were as green as the grass in the height of Spring.”

“I know. I remember. Thanks for the talk, Dad. With your suggestion, I’ve got a woman to call.”

“Don’t go right for it. Lead into it softly. No dropping any emotional bombs. Women get flustered when you do that. Take it easy, work it into the conversation. You’ll figure it out. My boy is smart and savvy when he wants to be.”

“Learned it from my dad.”

“That you did. Love you, boy.”

“Love you too, Dad. So much. Be safe and keep me posted. If I don’t hear from you in a couple days, I’ll be calling.”

“And I’ll look forward to that call. Bye now.”

“Bye.” I hit the button that shuts off Skype and think about all that Dad said.

If I want to get my girl to agree to let me into her world physically, I’m going to have to appeal to her logical side. She’s incredibly astute and combative by nature. She’ll put up a fight for sure. Though it’s the war I intend to win.

And Sadie, she’s the prize.CHAPTER 9


EVAN“GOOD MORNING, SUNSHINE.” I SMILE as I step out onto the balcony while holding my phone to my ear. The sun is shining, and the breeze isn’t too chilly. Perfect weather to be outside talking to my girl.

“It is a good morning. Spoke to Dad myself. He’s already turning the corner and feeling heaps better.”

“Baby, that’s great! Good to hear. I talked to my father too.”

“Really? How’d that go?”

“Come out onto the balcony wearing your yoga gear. Bring your mat and I’ll tell you.”

Sadie groans loud. “I’m already in yoga pants and a tank but I was planning on loafing today. The muse is being a pest and not playing well with others. Others meaning me. She’s avoiding me, the cranky wench.”

“Aw, sorry, babe. She’ll come back. Maybe you just need a little sunshine. It’s beautiful out. The sun is shining down on my face as we speak.”

“Hmm. Are you shirtless?”

I grin. My girl likes my body. Huge plus. “I could be.”

“If you are, I might be persuaded to come and get my eye candy fix for the day.”

After putting the phone on speaker, I set it down on the small table and rip my T-shirt over my head. “Shirt off. Come hang out with me. Teach me some yoga. My back’s a little tight from the lifts I did this morning.”

“Would much rather massage all those muscles and work out another way,” she grumbles, sounding very put out.

I chuckle. “Hey, anytime you’re ready to break your rules, I’m here.”

“They’re not my rules,” she snaps. “They come straight down from the highest level of government.”

“Just come outside. I found a thick towel I can use and am ready to be trained.”

She huffs. “Oh fine. Give me a few minutes. I need to brush my teeth.”

“To do yoga you need to brush your teeth?” I laugh out loud.

“Shut up! Good oral hygiene is important, and I just had my third cup of coffee. I can’t exercise with coffee breath.”

“Third? Sadie,” I start to chastise her, but she thwarts my efforts when she hangs up on me.

Shaking my head, I set up my towel longways on the concrete space and go inside to get a bottle of water and my shades.

When I make it back out, bottle in hand, I’m greeted by the sight of Sadie’s rounded ass up in the air as she’s bent over flattening her mat just so.

“Nice view.” I bite into my bottom lip and tip my head wanting to imprint every curve into my brain.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance