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Seconds ticked by before they heard Banner mutter “Shit” in a low, harsh voice before turning back into the museum.

It was only when the door banged closed behind Banner that Lucas chuckled. They had escaped the persistent detective for now. He had no delusions that Banner wouldn’t track him down tomorrow, but it looked like they were in the clear.

“You need to do anything else here tonight?” Andrei asked, his fingers tightening where they dug into the muscles of Lucas’s back, pulling him tight against him again.


“Then let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Tipping his chin up, Lucas brushed his lips against Andrei’s in a teasing kiss. “Good idea.”

Sadly, they didn’t get as far as Lucas would have liked. Andrei had handed over the ticket to the valet and they were waiting for Lucas’s car to be brought around. They hadn’t bothered to go back inside, but used a side exit from the garden to cut to the front, hoping to escape not only the notice of the detective but also anyone else who might have tried to stop Lucas for gossip.


Lucas jerked around and nearly groaned to see the detective hurrying down the stairs toward them. He didn’t look happy. “Fuck,” Lucas muttered, looking over at Andrei to find him frowning at the detective.

“Well, I guess our good luck has run out for the night.”

Lucas suddenly smiled, his eyes on the main drive leading toward the museum. “Maybe not. That’s my car.”

Andrei wagged his eyebrows at him. “You want to try to make a run for it?”

It was a tough choice. They could deal with the detective here and risk him killing their good mood, or run and risk him following them to the penthouse, where he would definitely kill their mood. He opened his mouth to answer as the valet jumped out of the sleek black car and rushed around to open passenger side door for Lucas, but something else caught his attention. A dark car zoomed up the drive on squealing tires and was turning through the drive, but didn’t appear to be slowing enough to let out passengers. Instead, the window on the passenger side rolled down.

“Down!” Andrei shouted, launching his body at Lucas so that he tackled him hard to the ground a second before gun fire filled the silent night air followed by the sharp screams of innocent bystanders. Lucas cringed, burrowing under Andrei against the harsh sound. He clenched his teeth, willing the noise to finally stop. It couldn’t have lasted more than a couple seconds but it felt like an eternity that he was trapped helpless. He had no gun and he was all too aware of Andrei’s body vulnerable above him.

The end of the gun fire was punctuated by more squealing tires as their attackers fled the scene. Andrei immediately rolled off him and to his feet, staring after the car. Lucas didn’t hesitate, but ran for his vehicle. These bastards were not getting away that easily. To his relief, Andrei was right behind him, sliding over the hood to jump into the driver’s seat.

“Oh hell no, you aren’t leaving me behind!”

Lucas twisted around in his seat as the rear passenger door jerked open. Hollis dove inside right as Andrei hit the gas and the cop cursed as he slammed into the back of the seat then hit the floor. Lucas had to face front again, using his hand as a brace on the dashboard to keep from hitting the window as Andrei took the first curve fast. The car thumped hard as they went over a curb.

“Oops,” Andrei muttered.

“Where’s the goddamned seatbelt?” Hollis grumbled from the back. His face must have smashed into the seat on the next curve because all Lucas heard then were muffled words. Something about backseats and evil sentient vacuums.

Lucas reached for his own belt, then hesitated. Andrei was using both hands as he navigated the winding road and couldn’t do his own. “I’m going to reach across you and grab your belt, okay?” He figured warning him was a good idea considering his focus on the road. Navigating with the other cars had to be tricky.

Andrei nodded. “I can see their taillights. We’re not far behind.” He lifted his elbow to give Lucas access, then cursed and swerved.

There was a loud thump from the back seat. “Ow. Fuck!” the detective yelled.

Andrei shot Lucas a glance, amusement twisting the corner of his mouth, before his attention zipped back to the road.

Something in Lucas’s chest went tight and he rested his palm briefly on Andrei’s side before he grabbed the seatbelt and pulled it around him. He then quickly fastened his own. He didn’t miss the bodyguard’s second fiery glance and he certainly didn’t know how to explain what that had been about. One shared glance and Lucas felt like he’d been burned from the inside.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance