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Lucas’s own happiness was cut short when he gazed around the room to see a newcomer enter the museum. Biting back a curse, he stepped over to Andrei and laid a heavy hand on the man’s shoulder. “Thank you for the wonderful chat. I hope we can get together sometime soon.”

“Yes, I was telling Andrei we should do brunch this Sunday,” Marilyn quickly chimed in.

Lucas’s surprised gaze jerked to Andrei who only smiled at him. The man was too charming by half. “Thomas has my number. Call me and we’ll arrange it.” He took a step backward.

Keeping his hand on Andrei’s shoulder, Lucas gently guided him toward one of the galleries off the main entrance, slipping through the crowd. Tension tightened the muscles in the man’s shoulder, indicating that he was at least aware that there was a problem, but his face showed nothing.

“Problem?” Andrei inquired when they were through the crowd of people.

“Detective Banner just arrived. After last night’s adventure, I’d prefer it if he didn’t see us.”

As Andrei stepped around a couple, he glanced over his shoulder, scanning the crowd before they disappeared down one exhibit hall. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up about that. He was frowning and moving through the crowd toward us.”

“Shit.” Lucas picked up his pace, cutting through one exhibit hall after another. It had been a while since he’d spent an idle Sunday afternoon wandering the halls of the museum but he was pretty sure that he still remembered the layout. With so many people milling around, he was counting on all the doors being unlocked with security guards stationed at strategic locations to keep an eye on the guests. Two more turns and Lucas finally spotted the double doors he had been looking for.

With a wide grin, Lucas grasped Andrei’s sleeve and carefully shoved open the door, trying to make as little noise as possible when he hit the push bar. Cold air slapped them in the face as they stepped into the shadowy garden courtyard. Lucas pulled Andrei along, his heart rate speeding up at the thrill of evading the detective. At the far end of the garden, Lucas found a spot behind a tree where the small yellow lights failed to reach.

With a shove, Lucas pinned Andrei against the stone wall of the museum and pressed close, using the deep shadows to hide them from view. The night air was cool enough to keep the gala guests inside the warmth of the building rather than seeking a late-evening stroll in the fall garden. Standing pressed against Andrei, Lucas suddenly recalled the smooth movements of his companion on the dance floor, the way his tux hugged his muscled form through each sinuous movement.

“You’re having fun, aren’t you?” Andrei demanded in a whisper, his breath gusting across Lucas’s cheek.

“Some.” Lucas lifted a hand to cup the side of Andrei’s face, his thumb moving over the man’s chin to his cheek bone in a slow caress. It was dark enough that he couldn’t clearly make out his features, but he was more than willing to explore him with his hands and lips.

Andrei turned his face into Lucas’s hand, running his parted lips over the palm of his hand. “And what if someone comes out and sees us?”

Sliding his hand to grasp the back of Andrei’s head, Lucas pulled him down to his lips. “Fuck ‘em,” he growled. The kiss was rough as Lucas let go of the hunger that had been building since that morning. He’d fought it down all day while Andrei had been in the office with him and he’d battled it while watching him dance with Marilyn. He clenched his teeth and smiled as every woman flirted with Andrei. Lucas was tired of holding the façade in place and pretending that he didn’t want this man with every fiber of his being.

Andrei growled, returning the kiss with the same fire. His hands slipped between them and unbuttoned Lucas’s jacket so he could slide them inside and up his back. Lucas shoved a knee between Andrei’s legs, forcing them apart so he could stand between his thighs. Groans rose up from both men as they pressed closer, their bodies touching from shoulder to knee. And it still wasn’t close enough.

“I need you,” Lucas whispered between kisses, biting Andrei’s lower lip before plunging his tongue into his mouth yet again.


The scrape of the door opening halted Andrei’s reply. Both men froze but didn’t pull apart, relying on the deep shadows to keep them hidden. Lucas looked over his shoulder to see Banner outlined by the light from the museum, standing in the open doorway. He held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for the detective to enter the garden. There was another exit, but Lucas and Andrei would have to cross through the light, giving themselves away.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance