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“You have one more chance, Farrow,” Keifer held out his hand. “Thank you for helping us today. Thank you for making the right decision. And thank you for saving the dragons.”

Farrow looked at Keifer’s outstretched hand, and then took it.

“I won’t let you down,” he promised.

Keifer’s smile was sad.

“I sure hope not.”Chapter 25Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Except tacos. And cupcakes. Oh, and cookies.

-Wink’s secret thoughts


I made my way out of the spacious room we’d been provided at the sanctuary, and back down the stairs just outside our private suite.

Our new home.

The one that Keifer had demanded we move into.

Though I wasn’t the only one that was new to the place.

Jean Luc had been instructed to move in as well…and let’s not forget Mattie.

She was situated in another hallway that was meant for single occupants. The single occupants would share a common kitchen and dining area, while the other mated pairs had their own mini apartments to themselves.

I’d just made my way into the large dining room when an amused, darkly erotic voice filled the air.

“A lot has changed since we’ve been gone,” the man drawled. “Can’t say that it makes me happy that all the eye candy moves in after we’re told to stay gone.”

I gasped, turning to face the stranger’s voice.

I was wary of strangers, as anyone who’d had a couple of days like I had would be.

And immediately calmed down when Ian wrapped his arm around my neck.

“Mine,” he snarled at the man that was sitting on a kitchen chair in front of us. “Mine.”

That one was directed a different way, and my eyes widened when I saw the other newcomer.

Both had brown hair and blue eyes, but that was where the similarities ended.

The one who’d addressed me first was introduced as Ford, while the other one that’d been in the corner was introduced as Alaric.

“The last time we were here, no one that wasn’t mated was allowed to be here.” Ford looked pointedly at Macy and Mattie in the corner.

Then they flicked to Shane, aka Merrick.

“A lot has changed,” Keifer said as he came into the room. “Have you been introduced?”

Ford and Alaric both nodded.

“What was the emergency?” Ford asked.

He seemed like a talker, and under different circumstances, I was sure I’d find him a lot more appealing.

However, after yesterday, I didn’t find anything appealing but what I knew. And I didn’t know these men.

Something I must’ve made them aware of, because they gave me the distance I needed.

Though that might have been Ian’s angry look at my back that was keeping them at bay.

I’d just decided to sit down with a plate of food that Ian had somehow magically produced when something occurred to me.

“There’s food moving off the table,” I whispered frantically to Ian.

Ian’s eyes flicked to the table where a sausage was being pulled off of a plate, and he snapped his fingers.

The sausage paused in its descent to the floor, and I froze when it felt like something had jumped on my leg. Two somethings. One on each thigh.

I was too stunned to acknowledge them. Ian, though, didn’t seem too surprised.

“This is Daisy,” he grinned.

“Who is Daisy?” I asked, my hand itching to sweep down the length of my leg and push off whatever was touching me.

“Daisy,” Ian rumbled. “Please?”

Alright, Creepy. What are you doing?

I was about to look at Ian when one of the things on my leg became visible, causing me to gasp.

“Oh, my God!” I cried.

My eyes took in the tiny little dragon on my leg. It was as big as a medium sized kitten in stature. It was solid black with white tipped wings. All except for a small daisy shape on her chest.

“I think you mean, ‘Oh, my dragon,’ Wink,” Mattie murmured, her eyes going wide. “Where in the hell did…,” a gasp left her mouth as more and more showed up.

“How cute is she?” I asked, my hand going out cautiously to run one single finger down the tiny dragon’s back.

“Cute,” Ian rumbled. “I’ve been trying for six weeks to get her to show herself to you.”

My brows rose at that.

“You’ve kept her a secret for six weeks?” I asked. “How? Why?”

“Daisy isn’t allowed to leave the safe zone.” He introduced his pet dragon to me. “I think that now that she knows that we’re here to stay, she might be a little more accommodating to who sees her.”

“Is she bonded to you like Mace is bonded to you?” I asked.

Ian nodded. “Yes, in a way. I named her, and she became mine.”

My brows furrowed in confusion.

“They’re Fairy Dragons,” Brooklyn interrupted. “Fairy Dragons are the smallest of all types of dragons. More like pets than actual dragons. Fierce and loyal. They’re indigenous to Scotland and Ireland, and they’ve never been known to come here before now.”

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale I Like Big Dragons Erotic