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After what had to have been the longest wait of her life, they finally pulled up to her curb. She wasn't normally rude enough to shoot out of the car and run up her steps without thanking the driver, but she'd apologize to Jose later.

She'd just turned the key in her lock when Ty's hand snaked around hers and opened the door. Next thing she knew, they were inside her foyer and she was up against the wall with her dress pushed up to her waist.

"I really, really like your bathtub plan," he said, "but I'm afraid I'm not going to make it any farther than your front door."

A hot wave of arousal hit her and she ripped at his pants and shirt as he pulled another condom out of his jacket and ripped it open.

"Hurry," she said and a moment later he was shoving the crotch of her panties aside, and she was wrapping her legs around him again. He plunged his enormous erection all the way in, then out, then in again, harder, deeper this time, and she was crying out his name, begging him for more, sobbing as the orgasm she'd been waiting for shook her whole body. Again and again he rocked into her, until he stilled and she felt him pulsing inside her.

Yet again she gave thanks for his powerful physique, for the job that had perfectly trained him to hold her as if she weighed nothing at all.

His torn clothes lay on the floor, ripped apart by her greedy, lusty hands.

"I hope you packed more than one suit," she teased.

His soft chuckle reverberated through her rib cage.

At last, she understood why so many women pursued Ty, why they were willing to give up anything for one night--or more, if they were fortunate--with him. He knew how to make a woman feel good.

Not just how to give her pleasure, but also how to tap into her inner vixen and laugh with her at the same time.

Last week she never would have admitted that he was more than a playboy jock who could barely add or spell. But now she knew that Ty Calhoun was so much more complicated and wonderful than he ever let people know. Her stomach hurt when she thought about going their separate ways once her assignment had ended and his new season started.

Still, she had nearly two weeks with the most sexually fulfilling man on the planet, and she was going to squeeze every ounce of pleasure from them. As long as she didn't make the mistake of letting herself fall in love with him, she'd be just fine.

"Ready for that bath?" she asked, smiling as he carried her down the hall.


Bright and early the next morning, Julie's BlackBerry buzzed a reminder that they had to be in Lake Tahoe by noon for another big fund-raiser. Ty would have been hard-pressed not to do her in the limo during the four-hour drive north if they hadn't both needed to catch up on sleep.

A couple of hours into the event, Julie found him sitting at a table signing autographs for a very long line of kids and their parents.

She handed him a bottled water and leaned over to whisper, "How's it going? Need a break anytime soon?"

He inhaled her cinnamon and cream scent and immediately got a boner. He wished he hadn't agreed to keep their relationship under wraps. He wanted to pull her onto his lap in front of everyone and kiss her. He wasn't sure if she realized that everyone pretty much thought she was his girlfriend, that a guy like him didn't have a gorgeous handler if he wasn't doing her.

Still, a promise was a promise. And he didn't want to do anything that could mess up the good thing they had going.

"I'm fine," he said, liking the way Julie looked with the Lake Tahoe pines behind her. He used to think a woman like her would only fit in at fancy cocktail parties or shopping at Tiffany's, but after watching her in action, he knew she had the stamina of an athlete and was willing to go the distance for her clients. "Were you able to block out the afternoon?"

She nodded. "As soon as you're done here, we're free until tonight's gala at Northstar Lake Tahoe."

Before turning back to his fans he added very softly, "Glad to hear it. I hope you're ready to get all wet."

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her nipples harden through her dress. She really did have a dirty mind. Little did she know he was just talking about taking a dip in a private beach he knew about deep in the pines.

Her hip brushed against his shoulder as she walked away, branding him all over again with desire.

An hour later, he left his signing table and returned to Julie's side to shake their host's hand. "It was great meeting so many Outlaws' fans. We'll see you tonight," he said, leaving no chance for anyone to waylay them.

"What took you so long?" she accused, nearly outpacing him in her urgency to get back to their rental convertible.

"Didn't you once tell me that patience was a virtue?"

got into the passenger seat and glared at him. "You can't say something like that to me in front of everyone."

"Like what?" he asked, enjoying winding her up--and then helping her let off steam in the best way possible.

'"I hope you're ready to get wet,'" she mimicked.

He turned the key, started driving. "No one heard. Besides, I figured it would be nice to take a break for a few hours, hang out by some water."

Her face flamed as she realized she'd turned his comment into a sexual innuendo.

Still, she turned on him. "Could you have signed any slower? You really don't need to ask people about their dogs. Their kids are enough."

Fortunately, after a no-holds-barred night together, he didn't have to think twice before saying exactly what was on his mind.

"Looks like someone needs to come."

"No thanks to you," she muttered.

To hell with making her wait any longer. He might as well oblige right then and there.

He glanced over at her bare thighs on the leather passenger seat, then slid his right hand over to her lap.

"What are you doing?" she bit out, but her legs had already opened to him, just enough that he knew she wanted him to touch her, to get her off at least once on the way to their next wet and slippery destination.

"Tiding you over," he said as he slid the fabric up her thighs so that he could get at her slick, wet pussy.

"You're driving."

He grinned. "Don't worry, I've got it covered." She wasn't arguing anymore so he got back to business.

"Open your legs for me, sweetheart. I want to feel how wet you are."

The wind carried away her small whimper, and when she relaxed her thighs, his cock nearly exploded in his jeans. His fingers found the edge of her panties and they were already damp.

"How long have you been waiting for me to touch you?" he asked, his voice silky, his cock throbbing.

"Hours. It felt like forever."

He tried to find his breath and it was damn hard. She was the girl of his dreams. Every guy's fantasy. A sex goddess.

She was smart, funny, and successful too, but it made Ty nervous having such strong feelings about anything other than sex.

Fortunately, pleasuring Julie was job one. He dipped one finger into her honey, relishing her slick heat as he slid his middle finger from one end of her plump lips to the other.

"Ty, please," she begged and he knew she wanted him to swirl her clit, to press down on it until she screamed.

First things first. He shifted his wrist so that he could slide one finger into her, then two, pumping them in and out in a slow, steady rhythm. He never got tired of touching her, never got tired of being inside her, with his fingers, his tongue, his cock.

She rocked her hips into his hand, holding his wrist hostage with her hands, and he knew she was close to coming, whether or not he ever gave her clit the attention it deserved.

"Let me see how horny you are," he urged, and she let go of his hand so that he could find her hard bead, letting him work it, rub against it.

Her whole body tensed beneath his hands, and he said, "I want to hear you come."

The road was deserted and she was as hot for him as she'd ever been. His name was on her lips, first a whisper and then a moan of deep

, deep pleasure as he left her clitoris, slipped his fingers in her, moving back and forth between her clit and lips over and over again, as fast as he could.

Her legs fell all the way open, her head pressed into the headrest as she arched her back. Her nipples were hard against the fabric of her dress and he loved watching her as she came with wild abandon.

Wetness coated his fingers and he continued stroking her as her orgasm rocked all the way through her. Just in time, they made it to the small, private house on the lake that he'd borrowed from one of his old friends. He put his foot on the brake and reluctantly took his hand out from between her legs.

"Here we are. Hope you enjoyed the ride."

She opened her eyes and looked out at the incredibly blue pond. It was nearly a mile long and half a mile wide. He'd seen a lot of beautiful things in his life, but this particular combination of water and trees and mountains was darn near perfection.

All it needed to send it over the edge was the perfect woman.

His brain shut down for a long second.

Was Julie the perfect woman?

Tags: Bella Andre Bad Boys of Football Romance