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He felt like he'd been punched in the gut.

Shit. Why did he care if she didn't want anyone to know they were doing each other? It wasn't like they were dating; they were just going to be having sex. Lots and lots of mind-blowing sex.

Why did he care if all these years later, she was still ashamed of who he was? If she thought he was just a new-money piece of flash who just happened to know how to rock her world?

After all, they were both going to take what they wanted and then go their separate ways.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he agreed.

Together, silently, they left the balcony, walked back through the sex chamber, and headed back downstairs to the party.

Great, Ty thought. He'd gotten what he wanted.

So why wasn't he happier?


By the time the party wound down, Julie was a basket case.

If she'd thought one taste of perfect lovemaking would see her through the rest of her days, she was dead wrong. It wouldn't even see her through the evening. She'd been watching the clock all night, desperate to be alone with Ty again. In her house, in her bed, for as long as she pleased.

But what really upset her was the way "No strings attached. That's a given," kept playing over and over in her head like a skipping CD.

"I'm done being a show dog," Ty told her at last, and they went to find their host.

"Had a great time tonight," he said to Gordon. "Thanks for the invite."

"I'm so glad you could be here tonight, Ty. And thank you for bringing your very lovely companion."

Gordon might as well have called her skanky, the way lovely sounded coming out of his mouth. Her mind flashed back to his sex room and she barely contained her revulsion.

"I had a wonderful time as well," she said, shaking his dry, bony palm.

"I know you did," he said.

What a weird response.

Ty extricated her hand from Gordon's grasp by leading her toward the front door.

"Most days, I love my job," he said for her ears only.

She nodded, knowing exactly what he was getting at. "Me too."

As Ty alerted his driver via cell phone that they were ready to leave, she looked back up at the house. The tower's balcony, mostly hidden by oak trees, would forever be a wonderful memory.

They slid into the limo and she said, "You were fantastic tonight."

One corner of his mouth quirked up and his eyes gleamed wickedly. "Glad you thought so."

"I was talking about how you interacted with the guests."

"Sure you were."

She laughed, glad she could finally let herself enjoy being with him. Not only was Ty sexy, but he was fun. And surprisingly quick.

She lowered her voice so his driver, Jose, couldn't hear them. "You know how fantastic you were up on the roof."

"Tell me more," he said and she looked pointedly at the front seat.

He pressed a button on the armrest and the glass divider between the front and back seats slid closed. The faint buzz of the talk radio station Jose was listening to disappeared.

"Trust me, he can't hear us."

She shifted as far away from Ty as her seat belt allowed. "I can't ... do anything. Not while he's still here."

Ty relaxed back into his leather seat and she marveled at how nothing seemed to faze him. Here she was burning up with desire, wondering how she was possibly going to make it through the entire drive home without climbing on Ty's lap and riding him like a cowgirl, and he looked completely relaxed.

"He can't read lips," Ty said.

Her brain was a step behind her hormones. "I don't get it." Then she blushed. "Oh!"

He grinned again, the lazy look of a cat who has already gotten the cream. And wouldn't mind the cherry on top for dessert.

"I'm happy to get us started," he offered and she tried to focus on something other than his perfect mouth, his big, strong hands, the telltale bulge in his pants.

"Go ahead. I can't stop you." She'd be sorely disappointed now if they didn't see this game through to its inevitably sexy outcome.

"I wish you hadn't worn that outfit tonight."


"Covering up all that gorgeousness. It felt like you were punishing me."

She blushed again. That was exactly what she'd intended to do.

"But that was before I realized how hot it would be to unwrap you."

Julie clenched her thighs together as wet warmth seeped from her core. Her mouth had gone dry and her heart was racing.

"Your turn," Ty said.

She clamped her lips together. Shook her head. "I don't know how."

But he was persuasive. "The more I know about what makes you feel good, the better I can make you feel."

She practically had an orgasm right then and there.

"Tell me what you liked," he urged. Everything. But she couldn't tell him that. So then why were the words "I liked everything" bouncing around the limo?

He didn't smile now, just sat there with every muscle tensed.

For the first time, Julie realized she could be in control. If she forgot about being the perfect lady and gave in to her sexuality, she could turn this game around, pin Ty in a corner of desire.

"Tell me what I should have done differently," he said.

She inhaled deeply, taking in the musky scent of their lovemaking, the hint of cedar and spice that would always make her think of him.


nbsp; "Nothing."

His voice was soft. "Then tell me what to do next."

She couldn't have formed words if there was a gun to her head.

"Tell me what you want me to do when we get back to your house, when we're all alone again. Just you and me."

He was doing it again, taking control of her mind, her entire body, and it was so hard for her to remember that she could have the same kind of power over him.

She shifted so that the hem of her dress rose up her thigh several inches. She played with the pearls at her neck to focus Ty's attention on her breasts and throw him off just as much as he'd thrown her.

"I want to take a bath."

A small muscle jumped in his jaw. Julie held back a victorious smile. "Together."

He shifted uncomfortably, betraying his pent-up sexual energy.

Something wild and new bloomed into life within Julie's chest. For the first time ever, she had free reign to create and express her sexual fantasies. Nothing would shock Ty--yet she didn't feel like she needed to be kinky to impress him, either.

She could just be herself.

Ty obviously had faith in her unleashed sensuality, and if she did exactly what she wanted to really do, the next two weeks with Ty could be a little scary.

And incredibly exciting.

"Tell me more," he begged.

"Patience is a virtue," she teased. "Especially when it comes to pleasure."

He spread his legs, revealing his arousal. "I haven't wanted to play with myself this bad since I was a kid."

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked, hiding a smile.

"Hell no!"

"Good. Because before we bathe, you're going to take off your clothes while I watch. Don't forget to flex a little, show off for me."

"Will do," he murmured.

"Do you want to know what would really turn me on?"

"More than anything."

"I want you to get into the tub first. I want to know you're waiting for me, hard and ready, while I slowly undress."

He swallowed hard and she wanted to press a kiss to his Adam's apple, wanted to run her tongue over every inch of his body.

"And then what?"

She closed her eyes, laid her head back against the leather headrest. "And then I'm going to sink down on your cock and fuck your brains out."

She could hear his rapid breathing, which matched hers. Her pulse was jumping and she was this close to forgetting about his driver having a front-seat view to their sex show. The slightest touch from Ty and she was going to explode.

Tags: Bella Andre Bad Boys of Football Romance