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She was a few feet from him.

That had his desire rising harder, faster. And then he heard the creak of a floorboard just outside the door, and his heart beat faster with the thought she was out there listening, picturing what he was doing.

Thinking there was a small chance she might be getting pleasure from the sounds of him jerking off was enough of an aphrodisiac that if he were a weaker man, he would have gotten off right then.


This was wrong, yet here Maya was, not moving, trying to hear what was happening on the other side of the door like her life depended on it. She couldn’t even blame her arousal and what she was doing right now on the wine she had at dinner, on the fact that she was acting vulnerable, as Marius said.

Because although she was feeling warm and lightheaded, was hurting because she spoke of her parents, she knew what she was doing.

She stared at the door, heard the water splash slightly before feet on the wood flooring could be heard coming closer to her. Her breathing became even shorter, more labored. Her pussy was wet, her nipples hard under her oversized T-shirt, and all she could think about was Marius on the other side of that door with nothing on, the water sliding over his hard body.

She’d stayed in her room, having gone there after Marius pushed her away. But she knew he was trying to be the good guy right now. What he didn’t understand was that she needed this, wanted to be with him, not because she was sad, but because she wanted to be close.

This arousal she had for Marius was like a flame inside her, growing brighter, hotter with each passing day. She swore she could hear him breathing on the other side, and although she planned on staying right there, telling him how she felt, she turned around and went back in her room.

Closing her eyes and standing in the center of the floor, all she could think about was wanting Marius, feeling like she was meant to be here with him, experiencing this with him.

She breathed out and wrapped her arms around her waist, but just as she was about to head to bed, to put all this behind her and face tomorrow with fresh eyes, there was a knock on her bedroom door.

Turning, she watched as it opened. Marius stood there in nothing but a towel draped around his narrow hips. He was toned, not bulky, but lean, defined.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

She swallowed, her throat dry, tight. “I’m fine.”

But she wasn’t. Having him so close, seeing his body glistening in the candlelight, the fresh moisture clinging to his form, had her so heated she couldn’t even breathe.

“Good, because I don’t want you to think I was disregarding you.” He took a step closer. The door started slowly closing on its own once he wasn’t holding it anymore, and her heart beat faster as they became locked in her room, so to speak.

“I’m okay.” Her words came out tight, and she knew he could tell she was still so aroused. But then again, when she lowered her gaze to his chest, and lower still, she could see he was sporting a massive erection behind his towel.

“Good,” he said again and moved closer.

“But I want you to know I didn’t try to kiss you because I was too drunk, or because talking about my parents made me desperate for human contact.” Maya found herself moving back a step. “I tried to kiss you, because I wanted to.”

He seemed frozen for a moment and then moved a step closer. “That’s what I feared, why I pushed you away.”

She shook her head. “I know you thought that, and that’s why I wanted to clear it up.” She swallowed again. Why was her throat so dry all of a sudden?

He moved closer still, and that’s when she scented the soap coming from him. The baths nowadays were cold, unless she had the time to heat the water up and wanted it to be “luxurious.” Anymore, she just washed and got out, not caring that she was shivering by the time it was said and done. Hell, she didn’t even care if it was cold outside and she went for a swim, especially when the weather wasn’t frigid yet.

“I want you, Maya. I want to be the ‘good guy’ for you, but I don’t know if I can be.”

She licked her lips. “You are a good guy.” She moved back another step until the wall stopped her. She was breathing hard now, her pussy wet, her nipples hard. He was close enough now that she felt his warm breath moving along her hair.

“Do you feel the same for me?” he asked in a soft voice.

Tags: Jenika Snow Savage World Erotic