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She didn’t say anything, but then she turned from him, clearly embarrassed. For a second, she kept her back to him, staring at the kitchen table. “I’m sorry.” She left the dining room.

“Maya, please wait.” But she didn’t. He let her run away, because she needed that space, needed to have that time. He would talk to her about this tomorrow, make her see he wanted her, but he wanted her when she wasn’t hurting and when she wasn’t half drunk.

“Fuck,” he said under his breath. He left the kitchen and headed upstairs, needing to take a bath, to wash off the day, what happened, and just relax. He also needed to jerk off, because as it was now, he was so aroused for Maya he could have come in his jeans.

He grabbed one of the candles in the holder and climbed the stairs. He felt like an asshole, like he pushed her away, which he had, but it still felt wrong. He didn’t know if she really understood why, even though he explained it.

He didn’t want to be that man who took what was thrown at him, who was going to be a motherfucker and be with a woman who was seeking comfort because she was in pain. He didn’t want to be that way with Maya, especially not for their first time.

Marius looked toward Maya’s bedroom, could see through the crack in the door that she was undressing, and he felt the ache in his balls intensify. He’d been hard since he walked into the house and saw her in that dress, since they looked at each other and he had listened to her sweet voice.

The light from the candles she had in the room gave him a clear view as she slowly slipped off her dress. Since coming here, he’d become this insatiable asshole when it came to her, watching her like he was afraid she’d vanish.

The way she was standing and the position of the door didn’t allow him to see anything but a swatch of her smooth, golden skin, but it was enough to have his mouth drying and his throat tightening. And then she looked over her shoulder, looked him right in the eyes, and he swore the air left him.

He turned away for her, giving her the privacy she deserved.

Damn, he needed to jerk off to make this discomfort subside. All Marius could think about was the sound of Maya’s voice and the way she looked in the candlelight. She was gorgeous, and he wanted her more with each passing day.

He wanted to keep her close, protect her from any threats, but he also wanted her to be his. It was this sensation he had in his gut, one that said maybe he had been put here for a reason, that maybe he found himself at her home because it was where he was supposed to be.

Either way, he didn’t want to leave, and he didn’t want to turn his back on her.

He shut the bathroom door and leaned against it for a second. Walking over to the sink, he set the candle on it and looked at his reflection in the mirror. His hair was a shaggy mess around his head, and he lifted his hand and ran his fingers through it.

He opened the mirrored cabinet and saw a pair of scissors. For the next few minutes, he cut away at the strands, making sure it was decent-looking. Running his hand over it to get out the last few strays, he braced his hands on the sink again. His cock throbbed, the need to be with Maya overriding all his better judgment.

The water in the tub wasn’t warm, but it was room temperature, since he’d brought it in from the well hours ago. It was better than nothing, and he needed to get clean. Besides, the cooler water might help tame his consuming lust.

He got undressed and stepped into the tub. Although he thought the water would help dim his arousal, what he wanted with Maya couldn’t be dimmed.

He made quick work of washing himself, his hard cock aching, his balls drawn up tight to his body. Reaching down and palming himself, he rested his head on the wall beside him and closed his eyes.

He didn’t want to make any noise, didn’t want to seem like a deviant if she overheard. But he needed to do this, needed release so he could think clearly.

He started stroking himself up and down, moving his palm over his cock until his breathing became shallow and the ecstasy washed over him. All he could think about was Maya in that dress, her big breasts pressed against the material, the little flowers printed on it making her seem innocent.

A small groan left him, but he snapped his mouth shut before it became too loud, knowing she was just down the hallway.

Tags: Jenika Snow Savage World Erotic