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Fate and destiny were in our favor.

She worried about Maximillian coming after her, about the bratva. And those were very real threats, dangers. But I’d be by her side the entire time.

And as she told me these things, all I wanted to do was tell her nothing would hurt her again. Nothing and no one would tear her from my life. I wouldn’t allow it. I’d rather rip my own heart from my chest than have that happen to either of us again.

I hadn’t said anything for the last minute, the heaviness and silence thick around us. I was processing all of this, working it over in my mind, trying to find a solution that would ensure Nadja never had to worry or be afraid again. But this was complex. How could I go up against the bratva? How could I make sure that darkness didn’t touch her again? Even with the help of my brothers, I was no match for that kind of power.

I didn’t know the answer right now, but I’d find a solution, because I’d die trying to keep Nadja safe. That was a fucking given.

“Say something,” she said softly, her eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.

I hated that I was part of the reason she felt like that at this moment. “You’re okay though?” I finally managed to get out. “They didn’t hurt you?” Obviously, she was hurt, her insides and emotions, mentally probably having been put through the meat grinder.

I watched as her throat worked when she swallowed, and I was proud as fuck for her not looking away from me. I knew how uncomfortable this had to be for her.

“No, they didn’t hurt me like that.” Her voice was soft, too soft for my liking. I wanted her to feel comfortable around me, like she used to. I wanted her to know I’d always be there for her.

And I know a part of her realizes that. She came to me. That means everything.

“I searched for you,” I admitted, wanting her to know that. “I never gave up hope, even when everything was so fucking bleak.” She looked like she was going to cry again, her eyes becoming watery. “Shh, none of that, baby,” I whispered. I’d sent Wilder and his woman home after Cullen, Dom, and their women left. I was thankful Kimber said she’d be fine, that the head wound was superficial, and she’d only need some over the counter medication to help with the discomfort.

God, I’d been so thankful to hear that.

A tear spilled from her eye and started a slow trek down her cheek. I didn’t even hesitate to lift my hand and brush the pad of my thumb over it, wiping it away. “You’re okay now. You know that?”

She nodded. “I’ve been trying to be so strong, Frankie.”

I felt myself close my eyes as she said my name.

It would always do something so powerful to me.



The longer I sat there and stared at her, the more I felt this need overcome me, curling its talons deep inside my body before rising up and tearing through me. I couldn’t have controlled myself even if I wanted to.

And I didn’t—want to control any aspect of being with Nadja.

I reached out and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me, hearing the soft gasp of surprise leave her lips. She didn’t fight me as I pressed her body against mine. In fact, she instantly melted against me, resting her head on my chest, letting out this content sigh.

She’d always been so tiny compared to me, her form feminine and small, my six-foot-two height towering over her by nearly a foot.

And whenever I held her, I felt like she’d break if I wasn’t gentle. I’d never thought of myself as a man who could be soft, but with her, it came so easily. My touches to her body, the way we fit together so perfectly, it made it easy to be gentle with her, to know that even if I thought I could break her, she was stronger than she looked inside and out.

I stared at the wall as I rested my chin on the top of her head, my arms snuggly around her body, afraid that if I loosened my hold or let go, I’d realize this had been nothing but a mirage, maybe even a dream, a fantasy.

I closed my eyes and inhaled, her scent invoking every single memory I had of her to the forefront of my mind as if it all happened just yesterday.

“The day you left…” I felt emotion thick in my throat, closing it up, causing my tongue to swell. The words were hard to get out. I’d always considered myself a strong man, void of the hassle and weight of emotion, of love, but then Nadja had come into my life, turned it upside down, made me realize I wasn’t really a man at all without these emotions, without having her by my side.

Tags: Jenika Snow Preacher Brothers Romance