Page 48 of Before You

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I reached into my pocket and saw my friend’s name on the screen. “Marcus.” I quickly calculated the time in San Francisco and assumed he hadn’t yet gone to bed. “I’m beginning to worry you never sleep.”

“You know what it’s like, being a new business owner. There’s no time for that. All I do is worry like hell and work like a dog.”

I laughed. “It’s not any different when you’re an old business owner either.” I nodded at one of the security guards as I passed him in the hall and closed my office door behind me. “How are things going?”

“That’s the reason I’m calling.”

I took a seat at my desk, entering the passwords my computer required to enable email to come through. Once it loaded, I pulled up the one Billie had sent yesterday morning, hours before I’d gone to her place.

To: Marcus Campanella

Subject: Basil’s—Ad Results

* * *

Hi Marcus,

* * *

It’s now been a full week since the launch of your thirty-second ad on my social media channels, so I just wanted to reach out and provide a detailed report of the data and activity the ad had generated. In our last email exchange, when we had discussed your goals, you were specific in the audience you were aiming to reach. Well, I’m extremely happy to report that we’ve not only reached those numbers, but we have also far exceeded them, as you’ll see in the attached spreadsheet.

* * *

Since the ad will live indefinitely on all of my channels, I will continue to provide detailed reports, so you can see how it produces over time. The next spreadsheet I’ll be sending will come at the thirty-day mark and then quarterly from there on out.

* * *

I can’t thank you enough for being so patient and understanding with me as I find my footing again in this industry. I know this isn’t exactly what you had in mind when you solicited my services, but I want you to know that I truly appreciate you taking the chance on me, and I hope you’re satisfied with the launch of your campaign.

* * *

One day, I intend to make my way to the West Coast and visit Basil’s rather than just admire it through the sinful pictures you sent. When I’m able to accomplish that dream, I’ll be sure to get in touch.

* * *

Noodles and Toodles,

Billie Paige

“Oh, yeah?” I said into the phone, pulling my eyes away from her email and turning in my chair to face the wall of windows behind me.

I stood just as he said, “The fucking phone has not stopped ringing.”

I smiled, gently pounding the glass pane with my fist. “This news couldn’t make me happier, my friend. We’ve accomplished everything we intended.”

“You know … when you told me you were going to hire some online reviewer to come eat at my place, I didn’t have high expectations. I certainly didn’t believe it would get me six solid months of reservations, but that’s what has happened.”

I shook my head in amazement. “Jesus Christ, Marcus.” I pressed my shoulder against the glass, looking down at the street below. “This is so well deserved—all of it. You’ve worked so goddamn hard to get here.”

“My family thanks you, Jared. This is going to change our lives.”

“I’d do anything for you and Charlene and the kids.” I glanced back at my computer, seeing the email Billie had sent. “I have some data on how well the campaign is performing. A spreadsheet that breaks down each channel and the click-through rates. I’ll forward it to you once we get off the phone.”

“Sounds good.” I heard him take a drink and swallow. “When are you coming to the West Coast?”

“You know I can never stay away for too long.” I returned to my chair, placed the call on speaker mode, and set the phone on my desk.

“Next time you’re in town, we’re having dinner at the restaurant,” he said. “I want you to taste some of the new dishes I’ve been experimenting with. I need someone with an honest palate, like yourself.”

“I’d be honored.” I glanced at my cell when I heard a text come through. It didn’t appear on the dark screen, so I said, “Listen, buddy, I’ve got to run. I’ll be in touch when I know my schedule.”

Tags: Marni Mann Romance