Breaking the Rules of Love

No men. That’s my rule. Well, no relationships at least. No marriage. Some people, like my mom, think I’m crazy for having a rule like that. But what would you do if your last husband stole your life savings, gambled it all away and then ran off on you with your best friend in the whole world, never to be seen again?
I’m single and I’m happy, thank you very much. I’ll do something casual – especially if it’s with the buff, dreamy guy who just moved in next door. But I have a feeling he wants more. Bad news for him though. He’s not going to get it.

So Sadie’s got a rule, but you know what they say about rules, right? They’re made to be broken, and I’m just the man to break hers. After years in the service, I thought my soul had grown cold, but every time I look at this girl, a fire lights up inside me.
She wants me a night at a time, but I want every night she has to give me. And what I want, I get. It’s only a matter of time before she figures that out.