Love Unbound

Author: Danielle Baker
Category: Romance
Total pages: 72

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Love Unbound

As an innocent eighteen year old, Jodi Kendall shared a single, earth shattering kiss with Texan Freeman Thorp, the devilishly handsome cowboy that worked for her father… who happened to be nearly ten years her senior.

Now, as a twenty-five-year-old divorcee with a guarded heart, she holds no grand delusions when Free shows up on her front porch after disappearing for seven years, looking less like the young man she’d known in her youth, and more devilishly handsome than ever.

Determined to keep her heart whole, Jodi is focused on herself; rebuilding her life and turning her bookstore into a successful shop. All too quickly, Jodi finds herself lowering walls built with boulders the size of Texas to let in the man she’d known all along was the one that held her heart, all the while fearing it’s only a matter of time before he disappears from her life again, only this time taking more than just a kiss with him.