Xavier's Kitten (Silver Spoon Falls)

When this curvy girl meets the man of her dreams, out pops…everything but the truth about who she is. Oh, boy.

Xavier Grimes

Getting into an accident on my first day in Silver Spoon Falls wasn't part of my plan.
The spunky little spitfire who hit me certainly wasn't.
I don't have time for love.
I absolutely don't have time to chase this curvy little kitten around.
But here I am anyway, head over heels, chasing her all over town.
What is it with the water in this place?
And why is she lying about who she is?
I intend to find out. And then I'm marrying her.

Charlie Marsh
Getting kicked out of college wasn't in my plans.
Neither was hiding out in my sister's new town.
But when you're horribly nosy and have bad luck, well, fate isn't on your side.
Or maybe it is. Because I also backed into Xavier Grimes.
He's bossy, grumpy, and infuriating.
But he also makes my heart race.
Especially when he calls me his little kitten.
I think I'm falling for the crazy man.
But once he finds out that I've been lying to cover my tracks, I'm going to be in so much trouble.