
This can’t be happening. How did I end up fake married to Roman Bianchi? Whatever crush I might have had on my brother’s best friend disappeared that summer night when he kissed me—a devouring kiss so complete it set my blood afire. And then he walked away laughing.

But my dream to travel to stunning Malta to teach English hinges on my pretending I’m married. So now for the next month, we are the Sexy Italian Millionaire and his Loving (Not So Much) Wife.

I hate Roman Bianchi. I hate the gorgeous villa we’re sharing, I hate the surge of electricity that pulls at us both whenever we’re close and I hate the fact that when he kisses me, everything that is cold inside me blazes to life, wanting more, wanting him and hating him all the while.

Except that with every day that passes, every night of dirty, delicious sex, I’m falling deeper for my own lie. And giving my heart to Roman Bianchi might be the fastest way to destroy it…