Rescued By an Outlaw

My job has kept me from seeing family during the holidays--but not this Christmas. The wanderlust that’s served me well as a photojournalist covering wars and natural disasters has settled and I’m ready to deliver their gifts in person, if I can make it in time.

The need to see my family has me trying to beat a storm by driving through a mountain pass and snowflakes the size of my fist. Out of nowhere a handsome, if slightly grumpy good Samaritan, rescues me from spending a night freezing my patootie off in my rental car.

This year I’m actually looking forward to spending Christmas alone. I’ve had it with the media speculating on my dating life. I just want to decompress and work on some long overdue projects at my cabin.

But the peace and quiet I sought, is quickly interrupted by thunder snow, and a journalist with an attitude twice her size and a pair of the cutest…dimples.

After years of keeping my emotions in check and guarding my heart, my handsome rescuer shows me the best gift of all may just come in a man-sized package.