Breaking Free

They (whomever they are) say that everything happens for a reason. That every choice we make has an immediate consequence. On her twenty-first birthday, Rachel's friends drag her to the local bar, The Handlebar, to celebrate, despite her protests to just stay home. But from the moment Rachel hears the band play, her life is sent down a path she never expected. After years of her mother's neglect and verbal abuse, Rachel is confident that no one will ever want her—that is until she meets the leader of the band, J.R.

Rachel finds herself falling into a world she never hoped to dream about for herself. But being in love with a rock star isn't easy. And the deeper they fall for each other, the clearer it becomes that they might want different things. Is she just setting herself up for another disappointment?

As Rachel soon discovers, our choices can shape our future and break us free from the bonds that hold us down. But when Rachel makes the wrong choice, will she be able to handle the consequences? Or will she continue to stay locked in a prison she has created for herself? Whether right or wrong, the choice is hers to make. But that choice will not only affect her life but threaten the lives of those around her she holds most dear.