Hard and Brutal

Carlton: Ramona Monk says I used to tease her when we were kids, but honestly, I barely even remember the curvy girl. All I know is that:

(1) she’s hot;

(2) she works for me; and

(3) I want her, hard and brutal.

Of course, Ramona says that what I’m doing is illegal. She says I could go to jail for blah blah blah yada yada yada. Clearly, I don’t care because if she isn’t on her knees in about ten seconds, then she can kiss her paycheck goodbye!

Ramona:Carlton James thinks I’m going to plead? On my knees? Please, Mr. Bad Boy CEO. You’re the one who’ll be begging by the time I'm finished because hard and brutal runs two ways … and you’ll be ready to explode by the time we’re done!