Of Witches and Queens

My witchy cousin has grabbed my four boys and put them under an enchantment that won't let them think straight or remember what has happened before.

Worst still, she hurts them when they think of me.

How am I ever going to break the spell and set them free? How can I stop her before it's too late?

Finding an ally in the Academy is hard work. Training my own newfound powers even more so. I have to hope that I can use my magic to fight my cousin and save my boys. I'd do anything for them.

Only so far nothing seems to be working.

As the Golden Moon event approaches, the night of her dangerous ritual that will allow her to link to all four elements and become the most powerful witch in the world, I feel despair swamp me. How can I fight such magic? How can I win this fight?

But the boys are also fighting back in every way they can and together we will find a way. There has to be a happy ending, because love is the most powerful magic of all and my boys and I have it in spades…
