The Scream Of Hell

Author:Elizabeth N. Harris


Series:Hellfire MC

Total pages:49


He fought for his club; he stood firm when life wanted to shatter him. When she left, he flipped life the finger and carried on. He’s quiet and rarely has much to say. He doesn’t forgive, nor does he forget. But now, he’s faced with the sins of his past. Will he survive?

She ran because he was going to break her. His club was dirty, and she saw the writing on the wall. They had a talent together, but he chose the club over her, and she couldn’t forgive him. She’d never forget that night. It scarred her too deeply. Now she’s back and not by choice. Her life continued without him. Now he’s in her face demanding answers, but she’s none to give him. He hadn’t listened before and won’t now.

A Hellfire brother confronts the woman who tore his heart out and stamped all over it. But she’s different, no longer the girl who doted on his every word. Life has taught her several lessons, and the first is, stand your ground, don’t be weak. Well, he intends to break her and get his revenge. But she’s not playing his game. Instead, she’s playing in a whole different ballpark.

What happens when a stubborn Hellfire brother meets his match? What happens when a woman who has lived life on her terms is challenged? The only sure thing is, they’ll hear the screams in Hell.

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