
My name is Alissa Collis, I'm your typical fiery tempered red-head, ok so maybe not typical for humans.
I'm a vampire hybrid, a half breed abomination, that right there I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, so don't tell a soul. I won a scholarship to attend a university that caters to the hidden world of vampires. A place that we can learn to remain hidden in plain sight, but how do you do that when you're being stalked?
What I don't expect however, is the hotties that save my ass.
I’d always dreamed of a love that would compare to the beauty of the stars. I’d assumed that that love would be between myself and one other. How was I to know that love isn’t always as simple as boy meets girl?
Throughout our lives we find many loves, I just happened to find all of mine at the same time. Are the fates so cruel to make me choose between them or will there be a happily ever after, despite the fact there are four who hold my heart?
If only they can get along with each other, we might just survive our time at SCU.