Fated (The Queen's Mates 3)

I will need an iron fist to defeat my uncle.

But so many things have changed. Since the evil regent was deposed and imprisoned, my kingdom has begun to thrive. From a backward poverty-stricken wasteland is emerging a strong, vibrant population moving into the twenty-first century.

My three mates and I are also growing together into a solid rulership, learning from one another as we throw our combined skills and gifts into our lives and those of all my subjects. We work hard, we play hard, and as for the nights...I did mention three mates?

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But when is life perfect?. The evil regent, my Uncle Bors has escaped from the High Council’s prison and is trying to amass an army to kill me and retake control of the kingdom, which he will go right back to pillaging for its every asset. And my hearing has gone from slow deterioration, due to a genetic condition rare among shifters but apparently active in my line, to the final stages. I’ve always known it would, that one day all the sounds would be gone, but having it right in front of me is so much harder than I ever dreamed.