Bought And Paid For

Author:Shaw Hart


Total pages:33


Roman and Flynn have always been close. Growing up living next door to each other with parents that are best friends will do that to you. They shared everything. Same neighborhood, same school and grade, and then they discovered they liked to share one more thing too, women. They’ve been looking for their forever love for years now but no one has even come close. Not until they meet Aspen. Her whole life Aspen has only had one person she could count on besides herself. Her best friend, Adeline. Growing up in the foster system together gave them a close bond and when they both turned 18, they left the group home for a cramped apartment. When Adeline is diagnosed with a brain tumor and they can’t afford the surgery, Aspen is terrified of losing the only family she’s ever known. Then she meets two men who make her an offer; money to cover her friend’s surgery and save her life in exchange for one night with her. What choice does she have? Aspen is Bought and Paid For.

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