Gifted Connections 4

Author: S.M. Olivier
Category: Paranormal | Fantasy | Dark | Romance | New Adult
Series: Gifted Connections
Total pages: 188

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Gifted Connections 4

Every time I think I’m finally getting a handle on my life, I learn I couldn’t be more wrong. I discovered life had a way of laughing at me and telling me…watch this. It wasn’t enough that I was reunited with a mother I didn’t want to be reunited with. Apparently, my gift thought having six men wasn’t enough either. I felt like I finally understood the importance of cultivating, maintaining, and nurturing my relationships with them. Now, the curveball.
Inside me laid yet another gift. A gift that demanded I find my seventh connection. Some of my connections struggled with it. I struggled with it, but we had no choice. If I didn’t, my health, the health of the men I loved, was in jeopardy. Now it is a race against the clock to find the mystery man and hope he is willing to make this connection before it is too late.
Amidst all these changes I feel like I’m losing one of my best friends when I need her most. My sister, Ella, is struggling with her own demons. Horatio hasn’t rested as he continues to make our existence even harder. Life continues to march on while I figure out a way to hold on or lose myself.
