12 Inches (Size Matters 1)

I got a footlong. And it tastes so good.

You wanna tame Aidan Stone, you're labouring in vain, darlin'.

There's no way any woman alive can get over my Greek God body, with my 8-pack abs, and bedroom eyes.

Abby Cleveland thinks she can change me.

Make me less of a playboy.
More responsible.
Take my hard-partying, womanizing ways --
and make me into a pillar of respectability.

Well, good luck to her.

Because it's ME -- that's going to change HER.

I'm going to open up a whole new world for her.
Make her see things she never dreamt possible.
Change the way she sees the world.

I'm going to do it by using my body.

I'll let you guess what part ...
