Filthy Daddy

I was nothing and had no one. Trouble with a capital T until the Satan's Saints MC found me. They picked me up from the gutter and gave me purpose. Showed me I could put my top three talents to good use.
My ABCs.
Automatic weapons.
Breaking bones.
Cracking computer code.
Years later, we leave the underground life behind. We may have stopped skirting the law, but trouble still has a way of finding us. Then the woman I've been messing with becomes a target. On the surface, she's a good girl. A law-abiding nursing student with a promising future ahead of her. Beneath that outer layer, she's sassy and smart-mouthed, a kinky sex kitten I can't get enough of.

But one sharp tug on the fabric of her past and everything unravels.

I keep denying she means something to me... until the inevitable happens.
I find out she's carrying my baby. The only piece of me that's good.
Now, nothing and no one will stop me from holding on to what's mine.