Bruiser (Seattle Sharks 7)

Author:Samantha Whiskey


Series:Seattle Sharks

Total pages:102


I’m the Seattle Shark’s newest Bruiser.
The fighter. The protector.
On the ice, I end the battles others start.
Off the ice, I’m just trying to keep my name out of the tabloids.
After all, that’s what got me traded from Ontario.

Donating to a Big Brother program for the good press was easy.
But then I meet Elliot, the ten-year-old spitfire who lives for sarcasm and hockey, and I can’t help but volunteer to mentor her.
That is, if her mom will let me.

I’ve wanted Shea Lansing from the moment we met last season.
She’s an incredible single mom.
Sexy, sharp, stubborn, and hates hockey almost as much as she despises violence:
Her past is darker than mine, and she’ll do anything to ensure it never touches her daughter.

Mentoring Elliot has Shea and I crossing paths—and wires.
Our connection is electric. Undeniable. Unstoppable.

But when her past comes back to haunt her,
I’ll have to lay everything on the line to keep them.
I’m used to violence on the ice, but fighting for what I love?
That’s a whole different kind of game.
One that could ruin us in the end.

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