Mr. Grumpy Boss (Alphalicious Billionaires Boss 1)

Author:Lindsey Hart

Category:Billionaire Romance

Series:Alphalicious Billionaires Boss

Total pages:55


My boss saw it...
The diary where I wrote all the hot shit about him.
By shit, I really mean SHIT.
Like the highest degree of criticism you will ever find.

I couldn't help it, okay.
It's pretty stressful working for the jerk,
And I needed a place to vent.
I just never thought I'd be stupid enough to accidentally hand over the notebook from hell to him.

Guess I might as well start writing my resignation letter.
Because there will definitely be no mercy from the Devil.
Or so, I thought.
Instead, Mr. Grumps came back with more orders.
And no, they were not orders about reformatting his documents for the nth time.

If I wanted to keep my job, I had to pretend.
Pretend not to hate him.
Pretend to be head over heels in love with him.
Pretend to be his girlfriend.

Hell, the devil really knows how to strike his bargain.
Now, I had to choose.
Which one would be worst?
Losing my hard-earned job or inviting the Devil into my life as my "boyfriend"?

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