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She did a quick sideways glance in his direction as a man pulled out the chair for her. Her sly smile was proof she’d seen him first.

“Are you okay?” asked his date.

He wanted to tell her to fuck right off, his attention riveted on the beauty a few tables over. Instead, he pushed the breadbasket in her direction and told her to eat up. It was a while later when Graciella stood up, excusing herself from the two-person table.

Boss had been monitoring them the entire night. He kept track of everything. Who the fuck was her date? Was he a mark or was this personal? He kept imagining choking the life out him, then emptying a clip into him for good measure.

Widow Maker walked in his direction. Her red dress looked like velvet, trailing all the way to her ankles, the side slit reaching just below her left hip. Her lips matched the dress, her long black hair pinned to one side with a diamond clip. Boss swallowed hard.

“Imagine finding you here,” said Graciella, leaning over the table, a clutch purse in her hand. He had no doubt it carried a gun. The dress barely contained her tits as she faced him.

“Imagine,” he echoed.

Graciella glanced at his date, then back to him. “Nice. Fiancée?”

“No,” he said. “Just a friend.”

“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Graciella asked.

Did she realize he didn’t know her name? “I wouldn’t want to take time away from your date.”

She nodded. “You’re right. I better get back to him before he worries.”

“Nice meeting you,” she said to the girl. Graciella stood up straight. “You should be careful about being so predictable, Boss. It could be your downfall.” She winked and sauntered off like a fucking queen. He watched the sway of her hips, the confidence and grace in the way she carried herself. She was a true professional, and any mark would be helpless under her wiles. No doubt she’d be pissed with him tomorrow.

“Who was that?”


How was he supposed to eat now? His appetite had vanished the moment he noticed her in the restaurant. He went through the motions, ordered, and picked at the food. All the while, keeping tabs on Graciella. She kept laughing at the man’s jokes, touching his arm, and making sure to look over at him once in a while with those evil eyes.

Never in his life had he felt jealousy for a woman—until tonight.


She had Killian’s car followed. Boss usually used him for transport. And she knew he’d come here.

What she didn’t expect was the blonde drooling all over him.

Graciella touched up her makeup in the bathroom. She wasn’t sure why she liked fucking with Boss. Maybe because he’d surprised her the other day, so she wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. And, somehow, he made her feel safe.

Tomorrow, she had a face-to-face with Viko Fedorov. It wasn’t something she looked forward to. He’d never touched her. The man was like a machine—no emotion, no bullshit. He’d insisted she do him a quick favor before the meet. Saying no wasn’t an option. She had to fuck her date and provide pics so Viko could frame the married man for something.

The Circle of Monsters wasn’t like Killer of Kings. Boss ran his business without a hiccup, and he had his own strict code of ethics. The Circle of Monsters were violent assassins of the underworld. They were vicious and cut-throat. And she owed Viko a major debt from years ago. He wasn’t pushing her to pay up just yet, as he loved having her in his debt. She’d contacted him because she needed him to help her sort out the shit she’d started back in Colombia. Viko knew where she came from. He’d funded her little project, the one now completely out of control.

The tainted drugs were only supposed to take out the cartels who’d ruined her life. They always used their own product. But it didn’t stop there. And it had mutated, getting mixed with other chemicals along the way to the US.

“Who’s the suit?” Boss grabbed her arm as soon as she left the bathroom.

She gasped.

“None of your damn business,” she said. “Your plaything is waiting for you. Hurry up, it’s almost past her bedtime.”

“I don’t care about her. Who’s your date?”

She rolled her eyes. “Business.”

“What kind of business?”

Even with her four-inch heels, he still towered over her. He made her feel fragile and feminine, which wasn’t an easy task. “The kind that pays very well.”

His features were set hard. “Want me to kill him for you?”

“I’m not killing him, just fucking him.”

Boss had her pressed against the wall in the hallway within seconds, his body trapping her in place. “You have skills, Graciella. Why would you sell your body for a contract?”

“It’s just a body,” she whispered.

Tags: Sam Crescent, Stacey Espino Erotic