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“Maisie, what the heck is wrong with you?” Bonnie stared at me like I was some kind of alien life form. “Seriously, how do you know that he isn’t the one who drugged you?”

My shoulders fell at her words. It was the one thing I didn’t want to think about. “The thought crossed my mind, but nothing happened to me. I woke up completely dressed, and the only reason they didn’t take my home is because I still have my Texas driver’s license.”

“You said his name was Virgil?”

“Yeah. You know him?” It was a silly question I knew. Glitz was a small town but it wasn’t that small.

“There’s only one Virgil I know of. Virgil Ashby. He and his family are pretty infamous in these parts. You said you were at his mother’s place so I’m guessing you were at Ashby Manor?”

I shrugged. “There wasn’t a sign or anything but it was definitely a big beautiful house.”

“Did you meet his mother, Sadie?” The way Bonnie looked at me, her expression a blend of serious and worry put me on edge.

Again. “Yeah, that was her name. How do you know her? Or Virgil?” Did I sound like a jealous girlfriend? Because I wasn’t jealous. I was curious.

Bonnie leaned forward like she had a big secret or something. “Sadie Ashby is the head of the gangster Ashbys, a really bad crime family that settled in Glitz more than two hundred years ago.”

“Wow. Two hundred years? Are you serious, Bonnie or is this one of your grand history tales that may or may not have happened?”

“Hand to God,” she said with her left hand in the air. “They were dirt poor when they came over from Ireland. They took advantage of all the jobs from the industrial revolution, but that was hard work. Low paying work,” she said, really getting into the story.

“Bonnie,” I growled and practically snatched the beer from the waitress’ hand. “Get on with it.”

“Anyway. Sometime around 1880 the Ashby family’s luck started to turn. No one knows for sure how, but it started with alcohol, gun running and prostitution. Today most of Glitz is owned by the Ashby family. Sadie and her children, Jasper, Virgil, Calvin, and Katherine. And I think their dad got killed or something. But Sadie runs the family now.”

I blinked at just how much information Bonnie had on my mysterious rescuers. Any doubt I might have had vanished at her knowledge of their names. All of them. “Holy shit. Seriously?”

Bonnie nodded. “Yeah, seriously. It’s part of Glitz’s history, ask anyone if you don’t want to take my word for it.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t believe her, it was that I wasn’t all that worried. Not only was Virgil hotter than sin, but I grew up in a family that sounded a lot like the Ashbys. Except for the Ireland part. Gunnar and the Bastards in Opey were all multi-millionaires from a kinky sex club. And I’d already seen a few people die before at the hands of family, so who was I to judge?

But then again, it might make for some interesting reading to delve into the history of Glitz.

“I believe you, Bon. Calm down.”

“I know you like your men with a side of trouble, Maisie, but this guy and his family are real trouble. The kind you can’t escape from.”

Yeah, she was probably right. I should stay away from him and I probably would have, if he hadn’t chosen that exact moment to walk into the Midnight Mass Pub.

Chapter Seven


What were the fucking odds? I hadn’t been able to stop thinking and dreaming about the girl with the big blue eyes, wicked laugh, and killer body. The moment I dropped her off, I instantly regretted not giving her my number. My card. Any way to contact me.

And here she was now, right in front of me. Smiling at the redhead she’d partied with at the club, oblivious to the dozen or so sets of eyes feasting on her gorgeous looks.

“What’s the hold up?” Calvin punched my shoulder and followed my gaze with a snort. “Bad idea, man. Terrible idea.”

He wasn’t wrong. “Give me one good reason,” I told him, my gaze never left Maisie looking more church girl than party girl with her hair in soft waves, tucked into a clip at the base of her neck, cocked to the side.

“Well, she might remember you’re the one who drugged her, for starters. She might be the type to freak out when she finds out who you are. Or she might just be bat shit crazy.”

All of that could be true, but still. “Maybe, but she’s so fucking hot.”

“Just remember brother, you’ve been warned. Now let’s find a booth because I’m starving.”

“Sounds good,” I told him, smiling, and wrapped an arm around him. “There’s one right over there.”

Tags: K.B. Winters Romance