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“Stupid goose,” I say. “Of course, we’re talking about killing someone.” I snap my fingers. “Come on, come on. I need to know if Honest Gabe really is on his way back here now.”

“Because you’re going to kill him and let Tag have his way?”

Now I grimace. “You know what, never mind. I’ll call Asher.” I reach for my phone.

“I’m calling him,” he says, snagging his phone, “but for the record, I will tie you up and throw you in a hole before I let you kill Honest Gabe and end up in jail. Don’t test me or you’ll find out what this fish man can really do.” He punches in Asher’s number and puts it on speakerphone.

I snort. “I didn’t know fish men wore panties, but clearly you do since yours are in a wad right now.”

“What’s up, Adam?” Ash says, answering the call.

“I’m here with our resident prick, Savage.”

“Hey, asshole,” Asher calls out.

“Love you too, pretty boy,” I reply. “Where’s that piece-of-shift lying Gabe right now?”

“In bed with Monica. And the kink factor has me ready to throw up. Candace needs to dump him in an embarrassing way.”

“He won’t live that long,” I say. “Any talk of him knowing about me? About me being here?”

“Nothing. Negative. He doesn’t know you’re there. I’m certain of it. Why?”

“We’ll get back to you,” Adam says, disconnecting. “Thank fuck I don’t have to tie you up just yet, but what the hell was Tag trying to achieve by lying to you?”

“He was reminding me how quickly Candace could be forced back into that shithead’s bed to protect her father. He wants me to kill him now, while he’s in Austin.”

“And, of course, you’re not. And to save you the embarrassment of me beating your ass, I could give you ten reasons why you’re not, starting with it’s a trap.”

“I’d be the one embarrassing you, but that’s only one reason. Do continue.”

“That counts as a few. You’re also a Walker and her man now. That changes things. It damn sure better change you.”

“Right. Because I have all the Walker morals just bursting from pretty little me.”

“Pretty little you is bleeding and muddy. Go let your woman undress you and kiss it and make it feel better. And I’m sure you can do the same for her in return.”

“Candace kissing it and making it better always works for me. The problem is, I’m not sure I can kiss it and make it better for her. Not with Tag threatening her father.”

“He threatened her father?”

“Yeah. He said Gabriel is planning to kill him before he returns home. That I need to kill Gabriel or face Candace knowing I let her father die. And I have to decide what to tell her right now.”

“Telling her would be easier if you knew he was safe. Give me until morning to try to get eyes on her father.”

“Find him,” I say. “And watch him. We need to protect him, but don’t extract him. Not without a plan, Tag will retaliate.”


At the sound of Candace’s voice, Adam murmurs softly. “I’ll find him.” He gives me a mock salute and turns away, heading for his car.

By the time I turn, Candace is already at the end of the car. I’m there in a few strides, catching her to me. “Candy, baby—”

“What is going on? I don’t like being shoved in the car and not knowing what is going on.”

“Just talking to Adam. I wanted you inside, where it’s safer.”

Her eyes go wide. “Safer? Are they coming after us?”

“No. No, baby. I’m just being cautious. Let’s talk in the car and at home.” I herd her back to her side of the 911 and help her inside. Once she’s settled into the leather seat, I kneel next to her. “I know you’re scared. When we get home, I’ll tell you everything, but we’re safe.”

“What is going on?” she repeats. “Were they trying to kill us?”

That’s when I realize that if I were her, I’d want answers and I’d want them now. She’s right. I shoved her in the car. I told her nothing when she’s desperate for peace of mind, and now, not later. “Nothing has changed. Tag doesn’t want us dead. That back there was him trying to offer me a convincing reason to kill Gabriel now, tonight, rather than later.”

“How and why now?”

“He reminded me that Honest Gabe could end up back in your bed.”

She lowers her face to her hands as if punched and then looks at me. “I knew he’d use me against you.”

I cup her face again and tilt her gaze to mine. “What he doesn’t understand is that you bring out the best in me.”

“And he brings out the worst?”

“Yes, and he seems to discount how easily the bad gets directed at him. This tonight was all one of Tag’s head games. Don’t let him win.”

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Savage Trilogy Romance