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She wanted that more than anything right now, and whatever remnants of logic were left completely shut down when his hard body nestled against hers.

“I’m so glad you said yes, Amelia, because I really want to kiss you.”


Amelia couldn’t remember the last time she’d been kissed. And she sure wasn’t going to think about her ex right now. Not when Flynn’s mouth was on hers, his body on top of her and his lips doing dangerous things to her senses.

She felt like every nerve ending had gone haywire. It had been so long since she’d felt anything so profoundly chemical, like a heat explosion inside of her. She was hot all over and her body tingled. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d felt all these delicious sensations. It was like tasting her favorite dessert and as his lips rubbed over hers, she couldn’t resist letting her tongue dart out to tease against his.

He groaned against her, and she felt the hard evidence of his erection against her sex, which only made her want more than a taste of what she was experiencing.

The logical part of her that she’d shoved way down deep in the recesses of her brain objected, but the libidinous part of her had obliterated all logic. She let her hands slide into his hair, and, just as she’d suspected, it was thick and soft.

She moaned against him and he surged against her, and all she could think about was his cock penetrating her, and how it would feel when he was inside of her. That tingling heat spread, and she arched upward, needing more of that hot contact.

He pulled his mouth from hers and stared down at her, his body continuing to move against her. “Tell me what you need.”

“An orgasm would be really nice.”

She couldn’t believe the words that had spilled from her mouth, but now that they had, she wouldn’t take them back.

His lips curved. “I think we can make that happen.”

Since she was in full-out “I want sex now” mode, she traced his bottom lip with her fingertip.

She intended to touch him all over now that she had given herself permission.

He hopped off the sofa, then took her hand and pulled her up, drawing her against him. His hands roamed her body.

“That feels good.”

“It’s going to feel better once I get you naked. And, Amelia?”


“I’m going to be honest and tell you I’ve imagined you naked a lot.”

Her brows shot up. “Have you?”

“Yeah. Mostly when I’m in the dark at night with my cock in my hand.”

Her body swelled with desire. Flynn was definitely going to make her come tonight. Just his hot words made her quiver.

She wrapped her hand around his neck to pull his lips to hers. “Now you don’t have to fantasize anymore.”

His kiss this time was harder, filled with passion and unrestrained need. She leaned into it, drank from his lips as he slid his tongue inside her mouth to flick against hers.

She felt weak in the knees, but also heady and powerful with desire. And now it was her opportunity to use her hands to clutch his shoulders, to feel the awesome strength in his muscles as he held tight to her.

And then she was shocked when he scooped her up in his arms. She wasn’t a small woman. She was five ten, so when he started up the stairs, she gave him a look.

“Are you crazy, Flynn? I can walk and you might hurt yourself.”

He laughed at her. “I think I can handle you.”

He was certainly doing that. Her ex had never been able to pick her up. They had been the same height, and, granted, Flynn was a lot taller and more muscular than her ex.

And okay, she wasn’t going to think about her ex-husband any more tonight. Not when a gorgeous man held her against him. This might be the first time a man had ever held her in his arms, much less carried her up a flight of stairs. It was a little disconcerting. But it also made her feel very female and, for the first time in her life . . . small.

It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing to feel cared for in this way, even if the independent side of her balked. It was also extremely romantic, and when he laid her on the bed, she sat on the edge, still a bit overwhelmed by this unexpected turn of events.

“Change your mind?” he asked.

“No. Just a little surprised.”

He cocked his head to the side. “Why? I think I made it clear I wanted you. And by the way you responded downstairs, it seemed reciprocal.”

“Oh, I definitely want you. I’m just waiting for my head to get in line with my body.”

He leaned over her, giving her shoulder a slight shove so she was lying back on the mattress. “Too much thinking can ruin really good sex, Amelia. How about we just let our bodies do the work?”

He was right, of course. The logical side of her brain was trying to pop in and interrupt what her body wanted.

There was nothing going on with the two of them other than a one-night stand. Nothing wrong with that. She needed it, she wanted it and she was going to let herself have it.

Then he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his gorgeous tattoos and his rather outstanding chest.

Logic fled the room and desire took over. She rolled over onto her side. “Please continue with the unveiling. And I’m going to warn you now that I’m going to map every one of those tattoos.”

“With your tongue, I hope.”

She watched as he dropped his pants, and saw the tattoos continued into his boxer briefs. Her sex quivered.

“Visually and tactically. Most definitely.”

Tags: Jaci Burton Play by Play Romance