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“Wait,” I stop him. “What about Art?”

Shark, Sharmila and Dervish haven’t moved. They’re looking at Beranabus like I am, questioningly, aware of the promise he made.

“There’s nothing we can do,” Beranabus says without looking back.

“But you said —” I start to protest.

“That was before I knew Lord Loss ordered the theft,” Beranabus snaps. “I thought if the child was alive we’d only have to pry him from Cadaver. But he’s the demon master’s plaything now. He’s lost. Accept it.”

“Toothy little Art,” Lord Loss purrs, tossing him up into the air, grey teeth exposed, red eyes narrow slits. “Do you want to see what happens when I bite, Art?”

“Leave him alone!” I scream. I take a step toward Lord Loss. Stop. Glance back at Beranabus, wanting him to back me up. But he doesn’t even turn his head.

As I waver, torn between wanting to save Art and knowing it means death to face Lord Loss by myself, Dervish steps up beside me. “I’m with you,” he says quietly, causing my eyes to fill with grateful tears.

“It’s madness,” Shark says, taking up position on my other side, “but how could I leave a couple of kids behind?”

I smile at the ex-soldier, then look hopefully at Sharmila. She bites her lower lip and stares at Beranabus. He has turned and is studying us expressionlessly. Sharmila hesitates, starts to smile, then shakes her head. “I am sorry,” she whispers. “It is hopeless. The first thing we learn as Disciples is not to throw our lives away. We have to choose our battles carefully and only fight those which we can win.”

“Coward,” Shark growls.

“No,” Dervish says. “It’s the sensible choice.”

Lord Loss is beaming at us, loving this. “Such brave boys,” he murmurs, tickling Art’s chin, careful not to be bitten.

“I can’t let you do this,” Beranabus says. “I need you — especially Kernel.”

“You were quick enough to offer our lives a minute ago,” Shark reminds him.

“But now I have what we came for — Cadaver. I won’t leave you to be needlessly slaughtered. I can force you to come with me.”

“I only came for Art,” I tell him. “There’s no point trying to take me. Even if you could, it wouldn’t do you any good. I’d never open a window again, unless it was a window back to this place. Try me — see if I’m bluffing.”

Beranabus sighs, then squints at Lord Loss. “Can we do a deal for the child?”

“Perhaps,” Lord Loss replies smoothly. “But I’m not sure I want to. This is far more interesting. I’m dying to see if you will really abandon them, or if you and Miss Mukherji will also stay and fight.”

“There’s no chance of that happening,” Beranabus says.

“You are certain?”


“Then the two of you cannot be part of any deal,” Lord Loss says, turning his attention on me. He strokes Art’s head softly, cooing. Grins, eyes alive with evil. “How much do you love your brother, Cornelius?”

“Not enough to let you murder me for him,” I reply, thinking about Nadia.

“You wouldn’t give your life to save his?” Lord Loss asks, surprised.

“I’d risk it, but I won’t throw it away.”

“Interesting.” Lord Loss purses his lips. After a few moments he calls, “Vein!”

A dog-shaped demon slithers down one of the walls. It looks like a black Labrador with a crocodile’s head, and a woman’s delicate hands instead of paws. She trots over to her master and waits by the foot of the spider-shaped throne.

“The Board,” Lord Loss says, and the demon races out of the room.

Silence, waiting for the demon called Vein to return with whatever Lord Loss sent her for. I watch Art play in the demon master’s arms, wishing I could be as ignorant of danger as my brother. While I’m thinking about that, my mind replays all that’s been said. Frowning, I ask, “Why did you steal Art?”

Tags: Darren Shan The Demonata Fantasy