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This is definitely not how I imagined starting my Sunday morning.

Instead of relinquishing his hold, Kingsley tugs me closer, locking me in place as his teeth sink into the delicate flesh of my neck. His fingers toy with the erect tip of my breast before grazing the contour of my belly and thrusting deep inside my pussy.

A strangled groan breaks free. “Stop.”

He teases my heat with sharp, forceful strokes that leave me panting.

“Is that what you really want,” he growls.



With the next knock comes another punch of concern.

“Summer?” Mom says, louder this time.

“Please,” I whimper, squirming against him. I have no idea if I’m trying to escape or burrow closer. This is exactly what he does to me. Scrambles my brain until coherent thought becomes impossible.

“What are you begging for, baby girl?” He tweaks my tightened bud, a little harder this time. It’s enough to send a flash of pain streaking through me before dissolving into pleasure.

Baby girl.

Another shiver of need dances down my spine. I could almost get off on the deep scrape of his voice when he calls me that.

“Hmmm?” He continues to toy with me, purposely fanning the flames of my desire.

I’m not sure. And that’s part of the problem. He’s the only boy I’ve ever known capable of making me lose my ever-loving mind. How else do you explain my current predicament?

“Should I keep going or,” his fingers drift over my clit before homing in on it like a heat-seeking missile, “stop?”

In a matter of weeks, he’s learned how to touch me to elicit the most amount of pleasure. It’s almost as if he takes pride in it. And what he’s doing right now is my kryptonite.

My mind spins as my core throbs to life.

When I fail to respond, his hand splays wide over my pussy before giving it a possessive squeeze. “Guess I’ll stop. Your loss.”

It takes a moment for the sexual haze clouding my brain to clear as air leaks from my lungs.

Mom is waiting.

On the other side of the door.

That’s all it takes for my brain to click back on, and then I’m elbowing him in the ribs.

He grunts as a chuckle slips free. “What was that for?”

“You know what!” I hiss before flipping over to face him and shoving my palms against his chest. I’m not sure if I’m angry at him for leaving me hanging or working me up in the first place. Although I won’t be admitting that to him. It would only stoke his over-inflated ego. “Now go!”

“Why?” He smirks, falling onto his back and lounging on my bed as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

I bite back the sigh that wants to fall from my lips. His dark hair is in a sexy disarray. I’m tempted to sift my fingers through the thick silky strands. It takes effort to shake the impulse loose and focus on the moment at hand.

“What do you mean why?” I jerk my hand toward the bedroom door as if the answer isn’t obvious. “Um, hello? My mother is standing outside the door! She’ll flip out if she finds you here.” When he doesn’t blink, I tack on, “With me!” Another beat passes by. “Naked!”

My mini tirade only makes the grin on his face stretch wider.

Ugh. So annoying!

I love the guy—wait a minute. No, I don’t. Not yet. But my feelings are definitely migrating in that direction. Our relationship has been rocky from the onset. We met at the beach in June and spent one magical day together on his boat before I disappeared, only to resurface a few months later at Hawthorne Prep, where he made my life miserable in an attempt to push me away.

“What the hell does it matter?” Instead of rolling out of bed, he hauls me closer. “We’re practically engaged. Who cares if she finds me here?”

Ummmm, I care. The convo I’d be forced to endure would be seriously horrific. I don’t even want to contemplate it.

“Summer?” The knock becomes more insistent. “Hon?”

That’s it! This boy needs to exit stage left!

“Get!” I grunt, using my hands and feet to eject him from the bed. Kingsley is six foot three and a solid two hundred pounds. He’s all steely strength and conditioned muscle. Normally, I love that about him. Not so much at the moment. It takes every ounce of my power to shove him to the edge of the mattress. A moment later, he hits the floor with a loud thump. “Out!”

He laughs, staggering a step or two before regaining his balance. “You need to calm down, woman.” Kingsley straightens to his full height and scratches his head. “Your reaction is a little overkill, don’t you think?”

His sheer masculine beauty is enough to have me losing focus. Even with my mother hovering in the hallway, I can’t help but eat him up with hungry eyes. Hands down, he’s the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen.

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance