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In a lot of ways she reminded him of the animals he loved so much. Wary. But starved for love and affection. Both needed an extremely gentle hand.

He tried a different tack. “Lily, honey, it’s cold and wet out here. Seth is running all over downtown freezing his ass off, and he’s worried sick about you. Come with me so we can all get out of the weather. I’ll make some hot chocolate and we’ll get you into some dry clothes. My hot chocolate is better than Seth’s anyway. ”

She frowned and shifted slightly then grimaced. His brow furrowed as he stared at her in question.

“Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

She shook her head. “No. No, I’m fine. ”

He held out his hand to her, hoping she’d take it, that she’d agree to come with him. He hadn’t exaggerated the fact that it was damn cold.

Instead of slipping her hand into his, she pushed herself upward with the hand on the ground but kept the other arm tight against her chest. Her posture was awkward, and his frown deepened as she staggered to her feet.

For a moment she stood, hand resting against the wall of the alleyway, and she leaned, head bowed as if catching her breath.

He waited, not wanting to press her, but he held his breath as he watched to see if she’d agree to come with him.

She took a step away from the wall and nearly fell.

Michael lunged forward and caught her before her knees completely gave out. She felt light and infinitely fragile against his chest. She shuddered and quaked, and her breaths came in rapid bursts.

For a long moment he simply held her, enjoying the sensation of her curled into his arms. And he wanted her to feel safe, so he made no sudden movements. Just let her grow accustomed to having him so close.

“I’m okay,” she whispered. “You can let me go. ”

Reluctantly he drew away, but he was careful to keep his hands on her shoulders. Her clothing was damp through, and he was more determined than ever to take her back to Seth’s so they could get her into dry clothes and warmed up. After that? Who the hell knew? What was he going to do? Move in on a woman his

brother had clearly staked a claim on?

His lips drawn into a grim line, he drew her protectively into his side so he could shield her from as much of the weather as possible. They walked down the alley, and at the end, she stared apprehensively down the street.

“I’m not far,” Michael murmured. “Let’s get you inside where it’s warm and I’ll call Seth. He’s looking for you. ”

She shivered and frowned as he ushered her forward. “He shouldn’t have. ”

Michael turned in surprise. “Shouldn’t have looked for you? Shouldn’t have cared?”

“Either. ”

He wanted to argue but didn’t. Seth could fight his own battles. Michael had to figure out how the hell to get past Lily’s defenses himself.

When his Cherokee came into view, Michael quickened his pace and all but dragged Lily with him. The interior was still warm when he opened the passenger door. He helped her in, shut the door behind her and hurried around to his side.

He got in, started the engine and turned the heat on full blast before pulling out his cell phone. Lily listed a little in the seat and leaned away from him so that her right shoulder rested against the window.

Her expression was wary, but now she seemed more tired than anything. And worried.

“Seth, I found her. We’re heading back to your house. ”

“Thank God,” Seth breathed. “I’ll meet you there. ”

Michael put the Jeep into gear and drove off, frowning as his wipers just made a bigger mess of his windshield. He had the girl. But now what did he do with her?

He glanced sideways when he stopped at a red light and studied her delicate features. Then he shook his head. Fucked-up Colter gene. There was no other explanation. He needed to dump her back at Seth’s and run like hell. But he knew he wouldn’t. That he was well and truly stuck in this bizarre situation and that he was going to ride it out.

Seth could just unstake his claim.

Halfway to Seth’s house, Lily’s eyes closed. They rumbled over a pothole in the road, and she never stirred. She looked exhausted.

When they pulled into Seth’s driveway, Seth hadn’t arrived yet. Michael parked and leaned over to gently shake Lily awake.

“Lily,” he said in a low voice. “Wake up, honey. We’re at Seth’s. ”

He slid his hand higher up her arm and curled his fingers into the damp material as he shook just a little harder.

A flash of red caught his attention as his hand moved upward. He turned his palm outward and stared in bewilderment at the coating of red, sticky blood on his skin.

His gaze jerked back to her face, and her pallor took on a more ominous meaning. He touched her sweater again, and pulled at the material. The red was well disguised against the black material, but once again, his fingers came away glistening with fresh blood.

His pulse ratcheted up and his chest squeezed until each breath stuttered painfully across his lips. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

“Ah, Lily,” he whispered. “What the hell happened to you out there?”

Chapter Five

Lily stirred, and for a moment she had no awareness of her surroundings. Where was she? She blinked and then heard a low voice to her left accompanied by a hand on her shoulder.

She tried to turn, but pain splintered down her arm.

“Easy, don’t move too fast. ”

Michael. Seth’s brother. He’d come for her. She was in his truck. She looked through the windshield to see they were parked in front of Seth’s house.

Once again she tried to shift, but Michael prevented her with a gentle hand. When he pulled it away, she was stunned to see his palm red with blood. She stared in bewilderment at the concern in his eyes and then looked down at her arm.

“What happened?”

“I was hoping you could tell me,” Michael said in a grim voice.

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t realize… It was all such a blur. ”

“I need to get you inside so I can take a look at your arm and see what’s going on, okay? We may need to take you to the hospital. ”

Instant nausea rolled in her stomach. The smell of the hospital was vibrant in her nose. The sights. The sounds. She couldn’t go back there. She could never go back there.

Distant weeping. Shouted denials. Shock. Her world crashing around her.

She shuddered and purposely blanked her mind, refusing to go back to that place.

“No hospital. ”

The words sounded harsh on her lips. Michael’s eyes flared in surprise, and he studied her thoughtfully.

“We may not have a choice, Lily. ”

She shook her head again, ignoring the pain the vehement action caused her.

Michael sighed and opened his door. He walked around to her side and opened her door. For a moment he stood there as if studying the best way to handle her. She was struck by the differences between him and Seth. Even though Seth was the cop, Michael…he seemed more intense. Subtle power emanated from him in waves. There was confidence to his movements, and his attitude suggested he was used to taking charge and used to people following his directions.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic