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He grinned as he said the last, and she smiled in return at the playfulness in his voice.

He guided her inside, barely touching her except for his grip on her hand, but the heat from his body hovered and invaded her until she leaned into his side, wanting that wonderful jolt of awareness all over again.

Conversation stopped when she and Dillon re-entered the living room, and once again there was open speculation on the faces of the Colters.

Seth’s gaze dropped to her and Dillon’s linked hands. His expression remained neutral, but his eyes told a different story. There was uncertainty there, and forgetting that Dillon was going to inform him that she was taking a ride with him, she dropped Dillon’s hand and went straight to Seth.

She hovered close, wanting to touch him, wanting to go into his arms, but she didn’t know how to handle situations like this. She wished the others weren’t there because she felt like a performer in a bizarre scene. Like everyone was waiting to see the big reveal.

“Can you come outside?” she whispered to Seth. “With me and Dillon?” She looked back at Dillon as she spoke, worried that he would think she was asking for the very permission they’d joked about. It wasn’t about permission. It was about respect, and in her own way she wanted to reassure Seth.

Seth nodded and touched her arm as he turned her in the direction of the front door.

“We’ll see you guys later,” Dillon announced as he followed Seth and Lily out. He stopped to ruffle Callie’s hair. “Don’t be late for work tonight, kiddo. And try not to hurt my customers. ”

There were murmured goodbyes, and Lily was already out the front door, but then she turned, not wanting the Colters to think her rude. She grasped the door frame and smiled at Seth and Dillon’s parents.

“Thank you for your hospitality. You were very kind. ” Then she looked to Callie. “I enjoyed the ride very much. Thank you for taking me. ”

The Colters looked a little dazed, and who could blame them? Lily had burst into their well-ordered lives and turned things upside down in a matter of hours.

She bit her lip and prayed she hadn’t made a decision that was going to hurt what was obviously a very close family relationship.

As if sensing her worry, Holly smiled and crossed the room to stand in front of Lily just moments before enfolding her gently in her embrace.

“You’re very welcome, Lily. It was wonderful to meet you. You’re welcome here anytime. I expect we’ll be seeing more of you soon. ”

Her eyes twinkled as she pulled away, and Lily returned her smile.

Dillon stopped to plant a noisy smack on his mother’s cheek before all but pushing Lily out the door.

“I’m taking Lily for a ride and we’ll grab some dinner later,” Dillon announced as they approached the parked vehicles out front.

Seth’s only reaction was the slight twist of his lips, but he glanced at Lily. “Are you up for that? You shouldn’t be running all over the damn place with your arm hurt. ”

There was an accusing note in his voice, almost as if he was criticizing Dillon for not taking better care with her.

She put her hand on Seth’s chest and left it there as she stared up at him. “I’m okay, Seth. A ride sounded nice. And…well…if what you said is true, then I need…” She struggled to say the words, but she had to be as honest and upfront with them as they were with her, and if that meant expressing her needs, then she had to do it.

“I just met Dillon. There is an obvious attraction there, but I have to know. He has to know. We all have to know,” she added for emphasis. “You asked for a chance, and I agreed to give you that chance, but we all have to make sure this is right. ”

Seth pulled her into his arms, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Way to turn my words back on me. I just worry. I want you safe. ” He glanced sideways at his brother but there was no heat in his gaze. “Dillon’s a maniac. I don’t want him to get you killed. ”

Dillon smirked and rolled his eyes. “C’mon, big brother. Let her go. You were the one preaching time and patience and how we need to do this and that. Time to walk the talk. ”

Seth kissed her but relinquished her without further argument. “I’ll meet you at Michael’s later, okay?”

She nodded and smiled. Dillon looked over at her and then gestured toward his truck. “You ready?”

She took a deep breath and started toward Dillon’s flashy red Dodge truck. She glanced back at Seth and their gazes connected for one last moment before she slid into the passenger seat of Dillon’s vehicle.

Chapter Fifteen

Lily cast sideways glances at Dillon as they drove into town but never could figure out anything to say, so she remained silent.

She had that nervous, edgy feeling like people got on first dates, and she supposed for all practical purposes this was.

She kept expecting him to initiate conversation. She figured he had any number of questions about her. His brothers had to have filled him in on how they met her and the circumstances of her life. But he never said a word. She didn’t know if she was grateful or if she was annoyed he wasn’t more curious about her.

Then she had to stifle her laughter. No, she wasn’t ready to divulge the reasons why she’d been homeless, and she should be grateful they seemed willing to wait. They didn’t press, and maybe that’s why she was willing to venture down this unconventional path with them.

She’d been reassured after meeting the Colter family. She’d been wildly curious and apprehensive, knowing the dynamics of their relationship beforehand. But they’d made it seem so normal. So acceptable. It was obvious that the older Colter men adored Holly and that they were at ease with their relationship.

Maybe she’d expected tension. Jealousy. Something overt to signal disquiet with the arrangement. Instead she’d walked into a very normal household and been surrounded by the feeling of warmth and love. And happiness. True contentment, and maybe that was the biggest draw of all for her.

She was ready to move forward. Put away the awful guilt and grief that had been a daily battle for so long now. How much time had passed? She found that time had little meaning when the goal was just to survive another day on the streets.

But that wasn’t her life. It hadn’t been. It had been her choice to walk away even though at the time she hadn’t felt or wanted to feel any alternative.

It seemed silly to her now, and she was a little shamed by her willingness to simply give up. Could anyone possibly understand the impetus for her actions?

Maybe it was time to close that chapter on her life and open the door to another. All she could do was try.

Dillon drove down the main street of Clyde, passed his pub and turned onto a paved road that climbed above the town. It turned to dirt and rock after a mile or so, and she looked curiously around as they rode higher.

“You live up here?” she asked.

He nodded. “It’s not much, but it suits me. ”

They rounded the bend and the road dead-ended into a clearing. She caught her breath as she saw the gorgeous cabin. There was maybe an acre of cleared grassy area broken up by rocks, but the area beyond was densely forested, a mixture of aspens and pine.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic