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“Son of a bitch,” Ethan swore. “That’s her husband. ”

Adam slammed on the brakes, opening the door before the Land Rover came to a complete stop. Had the bastard taken her? Had Lacey let him walk out with her?

The brothers hit the pavement running.

Adam was first to the door and flung it open, scanning the interior for Holly. Tension left him when he saw her huddled behind a desk. She looked up and, with a small cry, launched herself across the room and into his arms.

She hit him square in the chest, and he caught her up in his arms.

“Thank God you’re all right,” he said in a low voice.

She clung to him tightly, her face buried in his neck.

“I did it,” she whispered. “I told him I wanted a divorce. ”

Adam stroked her hair and kissed her temple, all the while satisfaction humming through his veins. Reluctantly, he set her down. Just as quickly, Ethan folded her up in his arms, holding on as t

ight to her as Adam had. Ethan kissed her lingeringly, his relief over her safety evident.

Across the room, Lacey’s mouth fell open. Then her eyes widened in understanding. Adam knew the realization had hit her.

“It wasn’t me,” she said faintly. “It was never me. It was them. ”

Adam didn’t pretend to misunderstand. He ran a hand through his hair and walked a few steps closer to Lacey.

“I made a mistake,” he said honestly. “You’re a good woman, Lacey. ”

“Not good enough apparently,” she said bitterly.

Adam sighed. He hadn’t wanted this scene between them and especially not in front of Holly. Once he’d been attracted to Lacey, even thought his brothers might feel the same, but they hadn’t. Ethan had reacted indifferently to her, and Ryan had instantly disliked her. He knew then it would never work between them, but it hadn’t stopped him from spending time with her on occasion. She’d been good company and someone to have a beer with. But she wasn’t the one destined to occupy a place in his heart. That was reserved for Holly.

He gazed at the hurt he saw in Lacey’s eyes and wished he wasn’t the cause of it.

“We should be going,” Ryan said, speaking up for the first time. “It’s supposed to snow. ”

“I need her to sign that statement,” Lacey said flatly. “Then y’all can be on your way. ”

She rummaged around on her desk for a moment then flipped a piece of paper and a pen to the end. Holly approached and looked down at the blank paper.

“What should I say?” she asked softly.

“Whatever’s on your mind,” Lacey drawled. “I’m married but don’t want to be. Or maybe, I’m fucking with the minds of four men. ” She shrugged. “Just make it quick. I’ve got work to do. ”

“That’s enough, Lacey,” Adam said, his voice harsher than he intended.

Holly scribbled three lines then signed her name with a flourish. She flicked the pen back across the desk at Lacey then turned away. She walked toward the door where Ryan and Ethan still stood, her intention clear. She was ready to go.

“Let me get your coat,” Ryan said gruffly. “You forgot to bring it. ”

He ducked out of the office and was back within thirty seconds carrying Holly’s coat. He helped her into it then wrapped his arm protectively around her.

“I’m taking her out to the Rover. ”

Adam nodded and watched as Ethan followed them outside. He turned back to Lacey, his lips pulled thin.

“I understand you’re upset, but that’s no reason to be a bitch to Holly. ”

Lacey’s cheeks flamed at his reprimand.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me they had to accept me too?” she demanded.

“Because they didn’t,” he said quietly.

“So I never had a chance. ”

Adam shook his head. “No. ”

Her fingers curled into fists at her sides. “Well then, there isn’t much more to say is there? Have a nice life with your helpless little doll. ”

Adam’s eyelids narrowed at her insult, but he refused to be baited into further argument. Holly waited for him to take her home. And that was all that mattered.

He turned and walked away.

Chapter Nine

Holly slid into the backseat with Ryan while Ethan got into the front. Despite the warmth of her coat, she shivered. Mostly in reaction to the last hour.

Beside her, Ryan shrugged out of his coat leaving him in a t-shirt that stretched tightly across his muscled chest and shoulders.

She wanted nothing more than to burrow into that chest, but she hesitated. She still wasn’t sure where she stood with Ryan. He seemed to have a lot of mistrust regarding her. So she focused her attention out the window and waited for Adam to come out.

She would have to be a fool not to notice the sparks between Adam and Lacey, and that bothered her. Bothered her a lot. Had they been lovers? There was more than idle interest burning in the redhead’s eyes. And then there was her comment about Ethan and Ryan which led Holly to believe Adam had wanted Lacey but his brothers hadn’t.

She frowned and closed her eyes. She was tired and mentally exhausted, and she didn’t like to dwell on the burning jealousy in her gut.

She barely registered the door opening and closing as Adam got in. He turned to look at her, but she didn’t meet his gaze, wasn’t sure she wanted to see what was there. She was feeling way too insecure to try and figure out what the hell was going on between him and Lacey.

They backed out of the small parking lot and headed out of town. And further from Mason.

She began to shake in earnest as the reality of what she had done hit her. She’d stood up to the bastard and won. Now maybe the awful fear that gnawed at her gut would go away.

A warm hand kneaded and massaged her neck. She glanced over to see Ryan staring at her. She searched his face for some sign of what he was thinking, but could find no clue.

“Come here,” he said.

She flew into his arms and buried her face in his hard chest. Strong arms wrapped around her and a hand rubbed up and down her back.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic