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“Don’t pretend you didn’t like it.” He pauses and the silence drives me mad. “And just for future record, when you go through with your fighting back plan, you should probably know that biting turns me on more than it hurts me.” His low tone conveys a silent warning that I’m unsure I fully comprehend.

I force down a shaky breath, trying to collect my nerves. Then my lips part to fire back a comeback, but my vision suddenly comes back into focus and my jaw snaps shut as I realize where I am.

What the heck? This is West’s bedroom. I know because I helped him paint the walls and hang up decorations when he moved in.

Oh my God, I’m in West’s bedroom. In West’s bed. With West’s comforter pulled over me. And now that I’m paying attention, I can smell West’s scent on the blanket. The problem is the guy sitting on the edge of the bed isn’t West.

He has short brown hair, a faint scar along his hairline, and his eyes are a crazy shade of silver. He’s wearing a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, dark jeans, a thick, leather watch covers his wrist, and a barbell piercing decorates his arched eyebrow. He’s gorgeous, but in a scary, intense, bad boy sort of way, kind of like West only way more intimidating. I don’t know why, but it feels like I know him from somewhere, but I can’t place from where.

“You look confused,” the guys says, observing me with his head tilted to the side. “Can you see now?”

I consider lying. After all, if he did kidnap me, it might be beneficial to have the upper hand. But if he did kidnap me then why am I in West’s bedroom?

I decide to ignore his question. “Where’s West?”

His gaze bores into me as he studies me closely—too closely. “He’s around.”

Okaaay… That’s vague… And not very reassuring. “Who are you?”

Again, his stare is unnerving. “Well, according to you, I’m a creepy pervert.”

“Maybe you are.” I’m pushing my luck. But I hate backing down from cocky people and everything about this guy screams, no one ever tells me no.

He crooks a brow. “Do I look like a creepy pervert?”

I shrug. I don’t even know why I do it. It’s not like he looks creepy, but sometimes appearances can be deceiving. Trust me, I know. It’s why I went from a pink and frilly sort of girl, to a girl who rocks a lot of black clothes, clunky boots, and leather jackets. Changing my style helped me alter my sweet girl image that I wanted to get rid of after my parents died.

“It’s hard to tell if someone’s a creepy perv just by looking at them.” I eyeball the distance to the door, contemplating if I should run for it. “And you do look sort of scary and intense.”

His intensely scary eyes bore into me. “Oh I do, do I?”

I nod, slowly sitting up, deciding that I need to at least try to get out of here. “Yeah, you kind of do.” I suck in a breath through my nose and then mentally count backwards from five. When I reach one, I fling the covers off me and bolt upright, ready to flee.

I barely get my feet under me before his arm loops around my waist. He effortlessly pulls me onto the bed and onto his lap with my back pressed to his chest and my ass against his manly goodies. The scent of his cologne engulfs my nostrils as he dips his lips toward my ear.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he whispers in a low tone that I swear feels threatening.

Warning flags start to pop up everywhere. This isn’t a drill, Alexis. This isn’t a drill. You’ve really been kidnapped.

I’ve never been one for showing vulnerability so instead of panicking, I growl out, “Who the hell are you and why did you bring me to West’s apartment? Does he know you’re here with me or did you do something to him?” Then to prove I’m a badass chick, I fling my head backwards straight into his face.

“Fuck,” he grits out in pain, his hold on me loosening,

I seize the opportunity to fling my weight forward and slip out from his hold. Then I run like hell across the room and throw the door open. But I slam to a stop as a guy with dark brown hair and a scruffy jawline steps up and blocks the doorway.

He takes one look at my face then raises his hands in front of him. “Just calm down. Everything’s going to be okay.”

“Calm down. Are you fucking shitting me? This guy,” I gesture at the guy in the room, “Kidnapped me. And I’m guessing you helped him since you’re here. And you want me to just calm down.”

He blinks at me in shock. “No one kidnapped you.” His shock quickly wears off as he slants his head to the side to scowl at the guy in the room behind me. “Steel, what the hell did you do?”

So the asshole in the room’s name is Steel. Seems fitting, especially with that crazy silver eye color.

“I didn’t do anything.” He gets up from the bed with his hand cupped over his nose. “She panicked before I could tell her what was going on.”

I shake my head. “I’ve been awake for at least five minutes and you’ve told me nothing, other than that I was stupid and that if you did kidnap me, I should be more frightened.”

Steel gives me a dirty look, but I detect the faintest amused smile playing at his lips. Apparently, he thinks my attitude is entertaining, which would definitely be a first.

The guy in the doorway sighs. “I knew he shouldn’t have let you keep an eye on her by yourself.”

I glance back at him. “Why is anyone watching me… And where’s West?”

The guy in the doorway trades an unreadable look with Steel before his gaze settles back on me. “West is around.”

I cross my arms and stare him down. “Quit being vague and give me a damn answer.”

Steel snorts a derisive laugh. “Word of advice. If you ever do get kidnapped, you should probably keep your mouth shut. Because if we had kidnapped you, this would be the point where I lose my cool.”

I peer over my shoulder at Steel, hoping I don’t look as nervous as I feel. “You say that like you’re an expert kidnapper.”

“Either that or I’ve been kidnapped a lot,” he replies in an emotionless tone.

My head spins with dizziness. What in the wild monkeys is going on? How did I get here? And who are these guys?

I’m about to demand some answers when the guy in the doorway sighs again.

“We didn’t kidnap you,” he says. “Nor do we plan on kidnapping you. West is in the apartment in a… special room doing special things.”

I cock a brow. “Special things? Do I even want to know what that’s code for? Because it sounds like he’s locked up in some room, living out some sort of perverted fetish.”

“I think you might be a little obsessed with the concept of perverted,” Steel says. “Makes me wonder how perverted you are.”

Tags: Jessica Sorensen Bad Boy Rebels Erotic