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He sneers. “You’re a fucking Hallmark movie director now? You think you’ve got it all figured out, don’t you?”

I cross my legs. “I do.”

His nostrils flare. His fingers curl around the Montblanc pen on his desk, squeezing so hard that thick, blue veins pop out on his hand. I bet he’d love to stab me with that pen. I’ve often wondered if there’d come a day I’d shove him over that edge. I’ve always pushed his buttons by being the defiant son, the one who doesn’t follow orders. I guess that’s why he prefers Alexis. Alexis doesn’t pose questions. As long as it’s for the business, and therefore for himself, Alexis does what he’s told. He’s easier to handle, not unimpressionable like me, and a lot more like my father. Which makes me my mother’s favorite. She doesn’t hate my father, but she doesn’t exactly love him, either. Alexis reminds her too much of Raphael Belshaw, the man she wedded as a business arrangement. I wouldn’t say Maman loves Alexis less, but she’s always treated me differently, favoring me.

The skin on my father’s brow plows into grooves as his mind works at full speed, but there’s no way out of this. A lover is a lover, entitled to protection and a certain amount of respect. You can’t mess with the unspoken rules of les beaux voyous without upturning the apple cart.

He slams a fist on the desk. “Why couldn’t Alexis make her happy?”

He says happy like it’s a curse, and my whole body snaps tight at the mere thought of that. I’m unable to filter all the anger from my voice. “We both know Alexis isn’t capable of making anyone happy, let alone an unwilling woman. We both know, too, how it would’ve turned out for Zoe if Alexis took her. That would’ve definitely made Hart our enemy. He would’ve sent an army to save her. He wouldn’t have stopped until he destroyed us.”

“What about the Italians? We can’t afford any complications now.”

“We’ll be discreet.” I add a jibe. “Just like you are.”

His droopy eye twitches. “What prevents her from running or telling her brother?”

“She doesn’t know why we took her. I told her if she runs or tries anything Hart will pay.” Of course, we have no intention of harming Hart. We need him to revive the mine or our business will sink, anyway.

“In other words, you’re blackmailing her instead of us blackmailing Hart.”

“Genius, no?”

He leans back, his words sounding bitter with unwilling acceptance. “I suppose it’s easier to manipulate the girl.”

“She’s young. Hart is worldly and hardy.”

He drums his fingers on the desk, considering my words. He’s unwilling to admit it, but he doesn’t have a choice. If we take a family vote on the decision, he’ll lose. Half of the power of running the business has already transferred to me at my thirtieth birthday, like it had to my father, and his father, and every other Belshaw before him. The other half I’ll get when I marry. My father is a loose cannon. He’s made too many bad decisions. His love for overindulgence and unnecessary violence has stained our reputation and name. The family likes the stability I bring to the business. They’ll vote for me.

After a while, he says, “Fine. You have two years to tame her before Hart gets out.”

I stand. “That’s doable.”

“You better hope so. If this backfires—”

“It won’t backfire.”

He grimaces. “We’ll see. Now get out of here. I have work to do.”

“Where’s Alexis?”

“Overseeing the docks.”

I straighten my tie. “I’ll see you on Sunday.”

I get my car and drive to the end of the docking area where the debt collectors hang around, playing cards. Alexis is having a conversation with one of the men.

Walking up to my brother with brisk strides, I say, “A word with you.”

He saunters around the corner, his hands in his pockets. The minute he turns back to me, I slam my fist into his face. His head bounces back, hitting the wall. Blood pours from his nose.

Grabbing his nose between his hands, he gives me an incredulous look. “What the fuck, Max?”

“That,” I point a finger at him, “is for mentioning Zoe’s cunt.”

“Are you fucking crazy?” He fumbles for the decorative handkerchief in his top jacket pocket and presses it against his nose. “You just said it yourself.”

“Only me.” I stab his chest with the finger I was waving in his face. “I’m the only one who mentions, breathes, fucks, and eats out Zoe’s cunt. I’m the only one who thinks about her cunt. Get it?”

He raises his palms. “Calm the fuck down, man.”

Now that I’ve put him back in his place, I am calm. The problem with being part of the family is that if you don’t enforce the rules, every dick like my brother will try to break them. If I can’t stand up for what’s mine, no one will respect my property. It’s an important lesson. No one will fuck with Zoe after this.

Tags: Charmaine Pauls Diamonds are Forever Trilogy Erotic