Page 121 of Beauty in the Broken

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He hangs up.

“What if he calls the police?” Anne asks.

“He won’t,” Zane says. “It won’t help.”

He’s right. I’m not sure anyone can help me now.


I stare at the email, seething with suppressed fury. Zane took Lina. He kidnapped my wife. That terrifies me. Zane hates Lina. He blames her for everything that’s not her fault.

Brink enters the study, looking grim.

Zane fucked me over well. For the amount he’s asking with little over a day’s notice, I don’t have a choice but to sell to his nominated investor. I’d be selling back to Dalton Diamonds. The evidence I have to deliver with the deal will ensure Dalton walks away a free and wealthy man, once more. Bitterness fills my chest. My mine will fall back into Dalton’s hands, but it’s nothing compared to the emptiness I’d feel if Lina is gone.

“Sir?” Brink reminds me he’s still waiting for my instructions.

“Did our men find anything?”

“No, sir.”

No trace of Zane. He knows how to wipe out his trail.


“Nothing new, sir.”

“Thank you.”

When he leaves, I dial the head of the security company. Maze is discreet and trustworthy. His business depends on it.

“What’s the situation?” he asks tersely.

“You saw the demands.” I forwarded him the email in an encrypted message.

“Dalton must be in on this.”

“No doubt.”

“How are you dealing with him?”

“I first want Lina back safely.”

“What about the demands?”

“I’m going to meet them.”

There’s a pause before he replies. “Have you considered all options?”

“Yes.” I drag a hand over my face. “There are too many places in this city to hide.” It doesn’t mean I’m not trying. I’m using every connection and all the influence I’ve got.

“Look, I know your business dealings aren’t one hundred percent clean, but the cops have a larger network and workforce. They’ll gladly take on the case and turn a blind eye for a bribe.”

“Too risky. You read Zane’s threat.”

“Will he go through with it?”

“If he must.” I shudder at the thought.

“Whatever you need, my men are at your disposal.”

I thank him and hang up. Then I call my attorney and set up a meeting for within the hour.


My kidnappers untie me twice to use the bathroom. They feed me another dry sandwich and a glass of water. Thirsty, I drink every drop. They take turns to eat, sitting on the bed and watching me intently. Too late, I realize my mistake. As if on cue, my headache starts to slip and my vision splits. They drugged me.

“What did you give me?”

No answer.

Goosebumps break out over my skin. My scalp itches. A wave of nausea hits me. When it passes, my head starts to buzz. My control starts to falter. I fight it, but it’s no use. My eyes draw close.

“She’s gone,” Zane says.

“Let’s get her in the car. We can start driving to Germiston.”

“Not before the money comes through.”

“What difference does it make? She’ll be at the bottom of the lake before noon.”

“I don’t want to be on the move before the deal is done. Someone may recognize us.”

“We have disguises.”

“Still, I don’t want to take a chance.”

“Damian won’t let this go. I don’t like just sitting here.”

“Check the email. As soon as we have proof, we move.”

Their voices drone on and tune out. It feels as if I’m falling into a jar full of jelly beans. Color erupts behind my eyelids, but before I can enjoy the rainbow, it turns into nothing.

Chapter 20


The disadvantage of being a diamond magnate is that everyone wants your money. You always risk kidnapping, or worse, having your loved ones kidnapped for ransom. The advantage is that you have power at your disposal. You have resources at your fingertips. The advantage of being an ex-con is that you have connections and loyalty.

Lucky for me, I am both. Zane is nothing. By taking my wife, he broke a code of conduct. By blackmailing me with her life, he signed his death warrant. Not one of our jail connections will protect him. The minute word has gone out, and I made sure it went out wide, our allies distanced themselves from him. Most added money to the price I put on his head. A man doesn’t turn on his people. It’s like killing your mother. My allies did what anyone would do for family. They dropped whatever shady dealings they had going on and started to hunt for Zane.

For the right incentive, be that money or fear, people will always talk. It just so happened that the night cleaning lady at the airport saw a man and woman carrying someone into the hotel across the highway. She took a photo with her phone. It wasn’t hard to identify Zane and Anne’s physiques, even if they wore wigs. Zane’s solid build and vanity betrayed him. I’d recognize those made-to-measure crocodile leather boots anywhere.

I would’ve gladly paid the thirty million Zane is asking. There’s not enough money in the world to make up Lina’s worth. Not even the mine is worth her life. She’s family, the future mother of my children. She’s the motivation that kept me going in jail. I’m not even sure it was about the business. Yes, I wanted to take back what Dalton stole from me. Yes, I wanted revenge. Lina has always been a part of the plot to achieve those goals. Somewhere along the line, she became the plot. Standing here, outside the hotel, I suddenly know with startling clarity that’s not true. She didn’t gradually turn into the end-goal. She’s always been the goal.

Tags: Charmaine Pauls Erotic