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Yeah, he wasn’t too hot on killing that kid’s father, no matter how much of a piece of shit he was.

Hudson had been staring at Rosie, then the manila envelope for a long time. Lance could see the cogs working in the fuck’s mind. Though he was stupid in almost every way, he was a narcissist. Therefore, he wouldn’t likely do something directly that would damage him, and he knew Rosie’s threats weren’t empty. That was why neither he nor his father had given Elena any more shit.

They were working up to it, of course. Fuckers like this were stupid enough to keep going until they won.

Because they thought they deserved to win.

The second this fuck laid his hand on Elena, he lost. Lance planned to make sure he was there when he realized he’d lost and he left Elena and Nathan alone.

He ignored the strange pang he got with that thought. Though neither Elena or Nathan were something that he could ignore. But his focus moved when the man—who he planned to end, one day—looked at the envelope.

“Ah, so I see Neanderthals have some brains at least,” Rosie remarked as he opened the envelope and began to read.

The entire fucker’s form went tight as he understood what they were serving him. His beady, hateful eyes darted from Lance to Rosie.

“That cunt put you up to this.”

With that sentence, Rosie lost all of her sweet façade. Everything about her changed. Her true nature moving toward the surface, in a way that disturbed even Lance. Seeing someone that beautiful, that unassuming transform into a pure threat, it was something to shake even the most experienced of men.

“I know we’re in a police station,” she said calmly. “But you talk about Elena like that one more time, I’ll rip your cock up through your throat and make you give yourself the most unenjoyable blow job you’ve ever received.”

Bitch was funny, threatening and sexy at the same time. Luke was a lucky man. But then again, the fucker was definitely going to go gray early with all the shit Rosie put him through. Their kid was already taking after her, so Luke was in for even more shit.

Hudson glared at Rosie, most likely thinking such a look would affect her in some way. Fucker was stupid if he thought someone like him could intimidate someone like Rosie. Rosie wasn’t intimidated by anyone. Fuck, the bitch intimidated him.

“I haven’t got all day,” Rosie snapped. “I’ve got to get a manicure in like an hour and I want time to grab an iced matcha before that. So if you could stop pretending like you’re gonna do anything but sign the papers to try and hold onto your nonexistent manhood, I’d really appreciate it.”

“This isn’t the end of it,” Hudson seethed, snatching a pen from his desk.

Rosie rolled her eyes. “Let me just get you a hairless cat and a lair in the mountains to go with the B-Movie evil villain line.”

Hudson didn’t reply to this. Obviously. Seeing Rosie unaffected by threats he had practice in being one of the weapons at his disposal in battering what he considered the weaker sex. Lance was happy one of the strongest people he knew—people, not women—was giving him an education on who exactly was the weakest here.

He thrust the paper back at Rosie.

She went to grab it but he held onto it.

Lance stiffened, ready to step in, regardless of the location or the badge the fucker thought protected him from justice.

Real justice. Not the kind he doled out.

“She thinks she’s got some new friends, it’ll protect her. It won’t. She knows who I am. Who my father is.” His eyes darted up and down Rosie’s body, then flickered to Lance. The fucker wasn’t brave enough to hold eye contact, he was scared of him after the beating. As he should be. “You’ll learn too.”

Rosie still hadn’t lost her cool. Then again, she could be gutting a rapist and be talking about her favorite show on Netflix. Lance knew that, because she’d done that last week.

“Oh, color me excited. I love watching assholes fall, especially when they think they’re on top of everyone else. I also love teaching them just how low on the food chain they really are.” She snatched the paper, glanced through it to make sure that he hadn’t tried to fuck them.

That would be stupid.

Rosie folded the paper, satisfied. Lance relaxed. Only slightly. He would never relax completely. Because this fucker was still breathing. Because he was still stupid enough to think he could fight back.

Because this wasn’t over for Elena.

His promise was keeping him from making sure it was truly over.

He’d broken a lot of things over the years, promises included.

But he wouldn’t break one to Elena.

He just hoped he wouldn’t regret that.


The next day, the one where I woke up with a splitting headache—because I was a lightweight and because sleep deprivation was really frickin’ getting to me—there was no coffee on the coffee table when I stumbled in there, Nathan on my heels.

Tags: Anne Malcom Greenstone Security Romance