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There it was. Someone else solving all my problems for me. My chest felt heavy once more. I couldn’t argue. This was a matter of my safety, of Bex’s. I wasn’t an idiot. I wasn’t going to risk my life for pride. I certainly wouldn’t risk Bex’s. I glanced at her again. She was giving me a weak smile. Dark purple rings decorated her eyes. She wouldn’t recover in a biker clubhouse, one with women like the one I met three years ago. Men who drank and smoked as was their right.

“Okay,” I relented finally. “But we’re not going to the club,” I added quickly.

Both Asher and Lucky glared at me, and I felt like shrinking into myself at the power of both of their stares.

“I can’t study, can’t live … there,” I said quietly. “But there’s a place in Amber, somewhere no one knows about, somewhere they, whoever they are, won’t find us,” I continued quickly.

Bex’s face got even paler as she realized where I was talking about. “Lils,” she began softly.

“Where would that be?” Asher asked in a hard voice, interrupting Bex.

I met his chocolate eyes. “My mom’s.”

There was a long silence as everything sunk in around the room.

“Okay, I know this is yet another drama that the club has to wade through, but can I just say, I’m glad you too are off your break. Totally knew this wasn’t a Ross and Rachel situation,” Rosie piped in with a grin.

I couldn’t help it, despite the sorrow that crept up my throat at the prospect of the events ahead of us, I smiled. And it was genuine.

“Lily,” a husky voice tickled the back of my neck.

I snuggled into the hard, warm body at my back, my mind blissfully blank and half asleep.

I felt desire rush into my fuzzy mind as Asher let out a throaty growl, and his hand pushed into the waistband of my shorts.

“I’ve missed this pussy, flower,” he murmured in my ear as his rough hand rubbed my magic spot.

I let out a little mew of pleasure, aching for him, aching for more.

“Dreamed about this pussy,” he continued as he pushed into me.

I turned my head, not caring about morning breath or the possibility I looked like a swamp creature, I needed him. The split second before his mouth claimed mine had my stomach dip in a different way, his eyes, the utter devotion behind them had me losing my breath. His mouth ravaged my mouth while his fingers worked me up to my beautiful crescendo. I moved my body against his, kissed him with the ferocity and desperation I didn’t know I was feeling.

Before I could succumb to my mind-shattering orgasm, Asher’s hands left me and before I had time to protest he had me on my back. His body hovered over mine, eyes capturing me with that devotion, that reverence that I felt physically.

“This is where you’re meant to be,” he declared roughly, his expert hands divesting me of my shorts. “In my bed, with me. The shit on the outside is secondary, it’s doable, as long as I’ve got you. As long as you’ve got me.” He lowered down and positioned himself at my entrance, framing my face with his. “And you’ve got me, Lily. For as long as this body has breath, you’ve got me,” he whispered, the weight of his words settling in conjunction with the beautiful explosion that came with him plunging into me.

His strokes didn’t mirror his gentle words, the tender gaze he paralyzed me with. They were urgent, desperate, hard. I wrapped my legs around his waist, scratched his back with my nails, loving every brutal stroke.

He was right. At that moment, every problem, every torturous feeling that seemed insurmountable, didn’t matter here. Not in this moment, not in any moment I had him. I got it.

“I love you,” I whispered, my voice strangled by my imminent climax.

The frenzied thrusts stopped abruptly, Asher’s entire frame stilled atop me. His gaze that had moments ago warmed my soul, stole every bit of breath in my lungs.

“I was searching for who I was without you, now I realize who that is. Nothing. I’m nothing without you,” I continued in a shaky voice.

“You’re wrong,” he clipped, the cords in his neck tight. “You’re everything without me. You just belong with me.”

He pushed into me slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. “Three words seem fuckin’ insignificant to describe what I feel for you,” he grunted. “But that’s all I’ve got. I love you, flower.”

Once the words had left his mouth he moved again, hard and magnificent. The elation of those words rode the high of a climax that radiated to every part of me. I felt Asher tighten around me, and I clutched him as he found his own release.

We stayed like that, me holding him tightly, never wanting to let him go, to let this moment become a memory.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic