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You’d think at that moment I would have been focused on the fact I had multiple bikers and a man bleeding from a gunshot wound in my small living room. Instead, my attention was on Bull. On the way his attractive mouth was turned up. How his eyes seemed clearer, not haunted by those demons I recognized years ago. This amazed me and gave me hope.

“Flower, how about you take Bex, both of you pack a bag.” Asher’s voice tickled my ear and his hands tightened on my hips.

“Pack a bag?” I repeated, confused.

Asher turned me so I faced him. “Yeah, you’re coming to the clubhouse until we can ensure it’s safe to come back here.” He frowned at my front door. “We’ll get you a decent security system,” he added.

I really wanted to argue with this. With him commanding me to leave my apartment, however shabby it was, it was where I felt comfortable. The mere prospect of leaving what little sanctuary my apartment offered me had my chest feeling heavy. But there was a man bleeding in my living room. A man that had attacked Bex. So my anxiety would take a backseat for safety, for her safety.

“Okay,” I replied quietly.

Asher jerked in surprised, as did Bex, they were both obviously expecting an argument.

“Okay?” Bex repeated shrilly before anyone else could speak.

“Bex….” I tried to calm her before she got on a full rant. That failed.

She pushed off the sofa, grimacing slightly in pain. She pointed at Lucky, who advanced as if to steady her.

“Don’t even think about doing the whole protective alpha shit. I’m fine,” she ground out.

“Your face and ribs speak a different story, sweetheart,” Lucky clipped.

She glared at him. “Does this biker clubhouse have mystical healing powers? Can it make all of my injuries disappear along with all of my problems?” She didn’t wait for a response from anyone. “I know you all like to gather up the poor helpless females to help ascertain your position as bad ass bikers, but I’m not going for that shit,” she declared.

I chewed my lip. Bex was serious and stubborn. Someone would have to drag her bodily from this place and by looking at Lucky’s tight face that could be a possibility. If she wasn’t going anywhere, neither was I. I felt a slight relief at this fact. Bex threw the hissy fit I couldn’t.

“Fuck,” Asher muttered under his breath, obviously recognizing the look on Bex’s face.

“You are going,” Lucky gritted out.

Bex glared. “Care to make me?” she asked sweetly.

“Oh, I care to make you, sweetheart,” he replied with menace in his tone. Menace that didn’t belong there.

“Shit, if they want to stay, let them fuckin’ stay,” Gage cut in, playing peacemaker, as if he hadn’t just argued murder moments ago. “No fucker is stupid enough to cause trouble with our bikes outside.”

Lucky’s murderous gaze settled on him. I didn’t have the opportunity to watch the stare off.

Asher’s hand moved to my neck, directing my gaze to his. “I guess I can’t convince you to come to the club?” he asked sounding defeated.

I shook my head slowly. “If Bex is staying, I’m staying,” I replied quietly.

Asher shut his eyes for a split second and then nodded. “How about you go and hang out in your room, we’ll sort this.” He nodded to Dylan’s body.

I gave Bex a look, one that told her to listen to Asher. She rolled her eyes and walked gently toward my room. She paused and turned. Her face had lost its bravado, its fury. She looked small and vulnerable.

“Thanks…” she half whispered to the room, her eyes dancing over the men and settling on Lucky, “for arriving when you did. I don’t doubt Lily’s ability to pull the trigger if she had to…” she paused, “but I’m glad she didn’t have to.” Without waiting for a response, she turned to disappear into my room. Lucky’s eyes focused on the closed door, his brows furrowed.

Asher’s hand touched my forehead lightly. “You sure you’re okay, Lily?” he asked with concern.

I nodded quickly, not liking the fact all of the men were standing, looking at me.

He kissed me lightly on the mouth. “Go see to your friend. She may like to think she’s tough as nails, but I doubt she’s as okay as she’s acting,” he murmured, surprising me with his perception.

I stared at him for a long moment before I stepped out of his embrace.

“Can I get anyone a drink? Beer? Before you commence….” I trailed off, my gaze darting to where Dylan was situated.

There was a short course of clipped nos.

“I’ll take that beer,” Lucky replied, his eyes now focused on the situation at hand.

All the men gave him a look.

He held out his hands. “What? She offered.”

Asher shook his head at him. “We’re fine, babe,” he reassured me.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic