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A warm feeling settled in me at this. One right between my legs.

“You’re so getting laid tonight,” Bex informed me with a grin.

It wasn’t lost on me the only time I’d felt whole since this all started when I was on the back of his bike. When he was inside me. When his hands were on me. When I spoke to him on the phone.

I barely realized I had stopped moving. Stopped breathing. That was until he reached the edge of the bar, his head tipped up at me, his jaw hard.

He didn’t have to speak, his eyes said it all.

I turned to Bex, whose eyes were in danger of popping out of her head. “I’m gonna go,” I shouted in her ear.

She nodded, not moving her eyes. “Yeah, you are!” She winked at me, kissed my cheek and gave me a little shove.

I stumbled a little, which was not her intention, I didn’t think she realized the extent of my intoxication. Luckily I righted myself and moved to step down. That was until hands fastened around my hips and I was lifted down, my body running over a hard one as I came down to earth.

I was set lightly on the ground, firm hands biting into my hips.

“Hey,” I whispered to his glittered eyes.

Asher’s jaw was hard. He didn’t say a word, his hands tightened even more and before I knew what was going on, he yanked me to his body, plastering my mouth on his. Again, normally I would be highly embarrassed over someone as hot as Asher sucking face with me in the middle of a crowded bar. Nothing worried me at the moment. I thought of nothing but his mouth on mine. The flame his touch ignited. When he released me, I was breathing heavily and swayed slightly. Again, he didn’t say a word, merely grasped my hand and tightly yanked me toward the exit.

I was so in for it. In a good way.

We hadn’t spoken. He had texted me earlier in the night, asking where I was, after I’d told him I had gotten radio silence. I had guessed he would have been checking in, since I knew he was all protective. All of them were. I saw how Cade was with Gwen, I guessed it was contagious. I didn’t expect him to turn up at the bar, not that I had complained when he dragged me out without a word only that smoking kiss. He had silently fastened my helmet, got me situated on the bike, and we roared off into the night.

Then again, sex spoke in volume. Or was it sex sells? Whatever it was, words were not needed when attraction shouted.

The breeze against my skin served to sober me up slightly, even with the jacket Asher had draped over me. Too soon we were pulling into the parking lot of my building, the lights illuminating reality that was easy to escape on the back of the bike.

Again, Asher silently divested me of my helmet and snatched my hand to half drag me toward the stairs leading to my second-floor apartment. I scuttled slightly to keep up with his pace. I didn’t complain. I wanted to be somewhere with a bed as soon as possible, even if it was my shitty apartment. I didn’t even find myself embarrassed by it. Not at this moment.

“Give me your keys,” Asher demanded when we reached my door.

I riffled through my purse quickly and handed them to him silently.

When we made it inside my apartment, I thought it might be pertinent to speak. To explain something, my shabby décor maybe. Or the array of empty wine bottles littering the table, which was usually pristine. I hadn’t thought about it the night before, I’d been too focused on Asher.

“Asher,” I began, closing the door behind us.

He whirled on me, his eyes seeming to glow. He pushed me against the door. Not gently, but not so much that it was painful. It was the opposite.

“Do not speak,” he commanded against my mouth, his hands running up my sides. “I’m gonna fuck you senseless.” His breath tickled my ear. “I need to relieve the pressure in my cock that started the moment I saw you on top of that fuckin’ bar,” he hissed, his eyes meeting mine. “So do not speak,” he ordered roughly. “Not until after I’ve fucked you. Then we’ve got a lot of fuckin’ speaking to do.”

I didn’t speak, not at that moment. I didn’t want to. I wanted to obey him. Do whatever it took to have him “fuck me senseless.” Luckily I didn’t need to do anything, his mouth captured mine the way it had at the bar, but this time it was leading somewhere. His hands roved, squeezing my breasts roughly, causing me to moan into his mouth. I wrapped my leg around his hip, needing him closer, as close as humanly possible.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic