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Zane’s frame was tight under mine. “Means I protect the club,” he said simply.

“With that?” I nodded to the gun that sat on the coffee table. One that I was not happy having in my house. Not at all. Something we would sure be having a conversation about.

Zane nodded.

“And you use it?” I probed.

His face hardened once more. “If need be,” he clipped.

I chewed on my question before finally asking it. “You’ve killed people,” I said quietly, realizing it was more of a statement than a question.

Zane was silent. I knew this meant yes. I searched his face. Even though it was hard and expressionless at this moment, I knew it wasn’t the face of a cold-blooded murderer. He could be hard, dangerous and menacing. He could also be tender and loving. I wondered if Jeffery Dahmer’s girlfriend justified it that way. I didn’t know how I could live with that. How I could get past that. I also didn’t know how I could live without him. I wasn’t in danger of falling for him. I already had.

“You gonna be able to get right with that?” Zane asked roughly.

“I don’t know,” I whispered honestly.

Zane’s frame tightened even more and he moved to get up. I put pressure on his shoulders as he sat up and swung my legs so I straddled him, moving my hands to his neck. “I don’t know how. But I’m going to try, because I can’t imagine my life without you right know,” I said to his eyes.

His frame relaxed and his fingers flexed at my hips. “I’m a selfish fucker,” he growled slightly. “Shouldn’t be giving you a choice. Should be walking out right now. Can’t do that, babe.” His mouth brushed my jaw. “You’re under my skin,” he murmured.

I shivered at his stubble brushing against me, his lips at my throat.

Lexie’s date had gone well. Really well. Considering it was the day after and she was still wearing that slightly dreamy look which was on her face at 9:52 p.m. last night, well was an understatement. But, then again, she had been at school all day, where she no doubt encountered Killian once more. He had plenty of opportunity to give her another reason to smile like a dork. I’d had to physically restrain myself from peeking out the window when I heard him pull up last night, most likely giving Lexie her first proper kiss. I knew she’d been kissed before, but she hadn’t seemed too impressed and was happy to go back to books and music afterwards. My motherly intuition told me this time books and music would not hold her interest in the way Killian did after said kiss. Looking at her across the car, I knew it was the case.

I had finished work early for a change and picked Lexie up from school to take us on a shopping outing in the next town over.

We were pulling up to our store and I couldn’t help but smirk. “You know, if the wind changes your face will freeze like that,” I remarked lightly.

Lexie, who had been gazing out the window, turned to look at me. “Like what?”

I grinned at her. “Like a little lovelorn girl, wistfully waiting for her one and only to send that fated text,” I teased.

She didn’t even roll her eyes or frown at my statement. She just smiled slightly and retreated back into her head.

I was taken aback. No usual witty banter? Wow, one date and he had her mute. Oh God.

I parked slightly down from the kick ass vintage store Lexie and I had found when exploring Hope weeks before. Since Lexie not only had dates with her new man-boy and gigs with her band, she needed new duds. I also needed new clothes…well, just because. My eyes rested on motorcycles lined up slightly down from us. I wondered if the Sons of Templar liked vintage shopping too. I grinned at the prospect.

“Zane coming over tonight?” Lexie asked hopefully, finally regaining her cogitative skills as we got out of the car.

I chewed my lip and linked my arm with hers as we walked toward the store. Zane had left last night before Lexie had returned home, declaring he had “club business.”

“That little shit is even a minute later than her curfew, you let me know,” he had demanded.

I’d rolled my eyes slightly at this. If he was a minute late I’d barely be ringing the alarm bells. I had kissed him instead of answering.

“Mia,” he had warned after kissing me soundly.

“Yes, O Macho One, I shall do as you command,” I told him seriously, with a hand on my heart.

At this he had shaken his head, given me a firm kiss and left. I had not seen nor heard from him since then. I told myself not to be worried or pissed off, yet I was both.

“Not sure yet, Doll,” I answered instead. Then I decided that I would not be waiting around for his call. “How about we make an afternoon of this? Head to dinner and a movie later?”

Lexie’s eyes brightened. “Can I call Kill and ask him to come?” she asked.

I stopped us, right there in the middle of the street, raising my eyebrows. “You want to have a second date with the boy you’re daydreaming about with your mom as a tagalong?” I asked in disbelief. “Tellin’ you now, kid, such boys do not appreciate chaperones while they commence broody looks at pretty young girls. I’d cramp your style,” I informed her.

She grinned at me. “Kill needs to know, sooner rather than later, my mom’s my best friend. He already thinks you’re cool. He won’t mind—he doesn’t have a choice anyway.” She added the last bit thoughtfully.

I gave her a proud look. “You go, girlfriend. Tell him who wears the pants.”

She smirked at me. “I’ll call him now,” she declared, rifling through her purse.

I grabbed her hand. “Now?” I asked in shock. “But the shop is right there,” I pointed to the window, only a few feet away. “You’re willing to delay shopping in order to talk to a boy?” I asked in horror.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic