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Bull was focused on Mia, who paled slightly when meeting his gaze. Good. She should be fuckin’ scared. He was going to tan her ass tonight. Bringing Lexie to a club. Making him fuckin’ care so much. His frown deepened as she hugged the women and pushed her way through the crowd in the opposite direction she should have gone. The women started toward them and Bull struggled not to follow Mia.

“Hey sweetie,” Amy said as she strutted up to Brock with a grin. He tagged her waist as soon as she was in grabbing distance.

“Jesus, Sparky,” he muttered against her mouth.

She leaned back. “What?” she asked innocently.

Cade had Gwen in a similar clutch, his hand on her belly. Though his gaze wasn’t as teasing. Fucker got high-strung with Gwen pregnant.

Rosie and Lucy joined the party, their faces flushed with an obvious glow from booze.

“How good was Lexie’s band?” Rosie half shouted. No one answered so she poked Bull in the ribs. “Come on, even big macho silent types like yourself have to admit the kid has pipes,” she joked lightheartedly, smiling at him.

He failed to smile back; though she was used to it, Rosie’s smile dimmed slightly at the no doubt furious expression he was wearing. He couldn’t help it. He was pissed as fuck at Mia, at himself, at the fuckin’ world.

Understanding washed over her face. “Mia went backstage to get the kids and take them home,” she said. She pretended to address the whole group but gave him a sideways glance. “Just in case anyone wanted to know where she is,” she added with a mischievous grin in his direction.

With that declaration, Gwen gave him a small smile, ignoring Cade’s glare. He felt uncomfortable with the attention on him so he gave a chin lift to his brothers and headed to find his woman.

Before I could find a way to extract myself from the situation, Zane yanked me to his side, his arm sliding around my neck. I was too surprised even to resist.

Clay’s eyes flared, but otherwise he showed no emotion at Zane’s appearance and the gesture. The gesture that communicated possession.

“Bull,” he nodded.

Zane didn’t say anything; he only glared at Clay, who didn’t seem too worried. Before Zane could commence disemboweling him as his look suggested, a teenage voice broke through.

“Zane!” Lexie exclaimed, a grin on her face as she rushed over to us with her guitar. Her face didn’t even falter when she saw Zane and I in a decidedly intimate position.

“I’m so glad you came! This gig freaking ruled!” she said with a smile.

Zane looked at her a moment, then released me, taking the guitar off Lexie with one hand. His other yanked one of her curls lightly. “You were great, Lex. Got a lot of talent, girl,” he murmured quietly.

Lexie’s entire face lit up at this and she blushed slightly.

“Dude, you’re in the Sons of Templar? That’s like…freakin’ sick.” Sam interrupted the tender moment with teenage boy amazement, staring at Zane.

Zane glanced over at him with a hard glare, much like the one directed at Clay. I decided to interrupt this exchange, as I didn’t want him sabotaging Lexie’s future by murdering her bandmate.

“Okay, let’s get out of here, guys. You’ve all got parents to get home to, who I’m sure will think I’ve taken you to a rave if I don’t get you back soon,” I declared, clapping my hands together.

Clay opened the door that led to the parking lot where my car was. This was so they didn’t have to walk in and out of the bar. The boys hustled out first.

Clay gave me a look. “Offer’s still good, babe—call me if you change your mind. Regardless—” his eyes moved to Lexie, “I got her covered.”

The air turned electric with those words, and Zane’s entire frame turned to granite. Clay didn’t even blink. Brave guy. Zane’s gaze flicked to me.

“Take Lexie to the car,” he half barked.

“Zane,” I started to protest.

“To the fuckin’ car, babe,” he gritted out.

I sighed, clutching Lexie’s hand. She had been watching the exchange with wide eyes. “Let’s go to the car, baby girl. Let the men have their…conversation,” I said. I pushed Lexie out first, reaching up to Zane’s ear as I walked past. “And I mean conversation. Not brawl,” I ordered firmly. Zane’s eyes flickered slightly but otherwise he gave me no inkling that he knew I had spoken.

“See you, Clay, thanks again,” I told him nervously, hoping he would still have working fingers to dial and speak to his record exec friend.

He grinned. “Later.”

Crazy bastard.

We finally pulled up to our place after dropping very excited teenage boys off at their respective homes. I was surprised Betty could fit three growing boys who were all legs and muscle into her interior, but she managed. I also had to reassure one set of parents that the whole event was kosher. The other two didn’t seem bothered their sons were at a bar nearing midnight. This worried me slightly.

“Thanks, Mom,” Lexie said quietly as I turned off the car.

“For what, doll?” I asked, turning in my seat.

She met my eyes. “For letting me do that. I think about ninety-nine percent of good moms wouldn’t let their kid do something like that. Which is what you are, by the way—the best mom. Means a lot that you did. This is all I ever want to do,” she told me quietly.

I stroked her face. “Know that kid. Which is why I let you do it. Wouldn’t be much of a mom if I didn’t let you follow your dreams. Plus, I trust you. I’ve raised an awesome kid, if I do say so myself,” I joked. “Now let’s get you to bed, superstar. With your career ahead of you, you need to grab as many z’s as you can. Rock stars don’t get famous without getting eight hours every night.”

She smiled at me and got out of the car. I followed her lead. My eyes rested on the bike that was parked in the driveway across from us. The bike that had followed us to every house on the way home. And the bike that had a figure leaning against it. Lexie followed my eyes.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic