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“Cade,” I groaned, my voice rough with arousal.

His dark gaze stilled me. “No talking,” he commanded as he unzipped his jeans, just to free himself, but leaving the rest of his clothes on.

He leaned down, lightly kissing my inner thigh before reaching up to take off my tank. I was fully naked and Cade covered me, fully clothed. There was something terribly erotic about that. He roughly tweaked my hard nipple, I cried out as his other hand worked between my legs.

“Quiet,” he instructed gruffly.

He covered my mouth with his own before roughly thrusting into me. I moaned loudly into his mouth, raking my fingers down his cut as he pounded into me mercilessly. I felt my orgasm rip through me, melting me into little pieces. I arched my back, unable to take the intensity as Cade continued his thrusting. I felt him shoot his release into me, which sparked me to melt all over again. I took a while to come back down to earth, opening my eyes to Cade staring down at me with an intensity that was scary.

“I love you,” I murmured into those grey eyes.

Shit. Where did that come from? Man I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, I hadn’t even properly admitted it to myself until today and here I was blurting it out. Fuck. I realized I had closed my eyes, embarrassed and pissed off at myself. I gingerly opened them, afraid to see Cade’s face. He hasn’t moved and was still staring at me with that intense gaze that seared my soul. Crap.

“Um, sorry, that so shouldn’t have come out…I was just high on an orgasm you know?” I sounded like a total dweeb, who says ‘high on an orgasm’? “Well, no, I…”

“Shut up,” Cade interrupted me, which was a good thing, who knows what I would’ve said next. I bit my lip, waiting for him to say something.

“Say it again,” he demanded.

“What?” I asked shyly.

“Fucking say it again, Gwen.” His voice was hard, almost emotionless, but one hand reached to softly frame my face.

“I love you,” I all but whispered. “I’ve loved you since you scared the shit out of me outside my house, even though I couldn’t admit it to myself until now.”

His eyes flared, but he said nothing. After a beat, he plastered my mouth to his in a passionate kiss, setting me on fire all over again. He drew back, eyes still hard, but full of emotion.

“Needed to hear that baby.” He kissed my forehead and pushed off me, buttoning his pants back up.

“Got to go. Got some club business that can’t wait. Fucking Spiders causing some shit, need to lock it down before that shit spreads.” His voice was grim, but focused.

My heart dropped. I tell him I love him and he gives me a quick kiss and is going to bail? Well isn’t that a kick in the vagina. I couldn’t deal with this naked while he stood above me fully clothed. I moved to get up, to cover myself, but Cade’s arm landed on my chest, stopping me.

“No Gwen, this is exactly what I want to picture in my mind for the rest of my night. My girl, freshly fucked, orgasm all over her face, my cum running out of her. Naked, looking like a fucking goddess.”

He gave me a rough closed mouth kiss before standing again, giving me a long look then he was gone.


“Needed to hear that. That’s what he said? Are you sure you heard right, like maybe your ears weren’t working right after minding blowing sex?” Amy asked sipping her coffee, looking at me hopefully.

I stared back at her, feeling sick. “Nope that’s definitely what he said. Then he left. Crap, I am such an idiot!” I whined, putting my head in my hands.

Amy patted my back soothingly. “That man loves you. Anyone can see that, he’s just being all bad ass biker and doesn’t want to say it because he’s afraid if he does his balls will automatically belong to you.”

I raised my eyebrows at Amy. “Really? I think he just doesn’t love me and has now run off to set up a club in Mexico and I shall never see him again,” I exclaimed sadly, downing the rest of my coffee, getting up to get more, I needed a shot of whiskey in it.

Amy waved her hand. “Don’t think like that. Men are fuckwits, just give him time.”

I made it to the coffee pot and let out a frustrated scream. “Fuck! No coffee, great.” I seriously thought I might cry. On the best of mornings, coffee was the only thing that got me functional for the day, on this day I needed it hooked up to an IV.

“Chill. Last time I checked they were still making it.” Amy said calmly. “I’ll get dressed and go and get us some.” She got up, still in her nightie.

“No, don’t worry I’ll go, I’m dressed,” I said. I couldn’t sleep last night so I had got up super early and gone for a run, which was the reason I was up and dressed so early on a Saturday.

“I’ll go to the café and get us something for breakfast too. I’m sure my brother will need some sustenance if he ever awakes from his coma,” I joked.

Amy sat back down, sipping her coffee and reading the New York Times on her iPad. “Good I couldn’t be fucked anyway.”

After getting not only coffee for me, Amy and Ian, I also brought half the café’s pastries and muffins, not knowing what Ian would feel like. Okay, maybe partially so I could eat my feelings.

Just as I was pulling into my driveway, my phone rang. Glancing down, I saw it was Cade. Shit, I had no idea how to deal with this, so I decided to do the mature adult thing and ignore the phone call. I managed to get all of our coffees and treats in one hand, thanks to my waitressing days, just in time for Cade to call. Again. Crap. I had to answer or he’d go all protective man crazy and presume I had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom. I juggled my packages and answered the phone while walking towards the door.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic