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“Sorry I can’t talk at the moment; I’m currently involved in a macho man showdown, whoever this is I will call you back later.” I was about to hang up when a sickeningly familiar voice spoke in my ear.

“Oh, Gwennie girl, moved on from me so quickly? Tut tut, I will have to punish you for that lassie, if you’re still alive after what I’ve got planned for you.”

My stomach dropped and I felt my body start to sway, threatening collapse. This can’t be happening. I let out a choked sound, but was unable to speak.

Ian and Cade watched my reaction, instantly on high alert.

“Baby?” Cade automatically stepped towards me and Ian stepped in front of him, hand on my arm.

“Who is it Ace?” he clipped.

I gazed blankly at both of them while Jimmy continued speaking.

“Nothing to say to me my sweet Gwennie? No apologies for putting me in prison, you stupid little cunt!” His voice rose and I flinched, feeling weak and helpless just like I did when he almost killed me. Cade had managed to round Ian, because his hand was at my waist, his eyes bore into mine.

“Give me the phone Gwen,” he barked protectively.

I ignored him, finding some strength from his touch. “You deserve to rot in prison Jimmy,” I whispered, venom seeping into my tone.

“Don’t worry, Gwen, I won’t make any mistakes next time we meet, and I most definitely will be fucking you this time, I’ll make sure you are bleeding from the inside out…”

I didn’t hear anymore because the phone was ripped from my hands. Cade pressed it to his own ear for a second and listened, body turning to stone. I watched his expression turn to a look of pure fury which I had never seen before.

Ian clutched my shoulders. “Gwen, who is that?” Concern saturated his voice.

I couldn’t reply, my eyes were locked on Cade, who was staring at me, phone to his ear.

“Listen to me you sick fuck. You will never touch a fucking hair on my woman’s head ever again. You haven’t broken her, not even fucking close. You haven’t tainted her because she is a goddamn miracle. She will never know any violence at the hand of a man for the rest of her life, I’ll make sure of that. I’ll also make sure I hunt you down and feed you your own dick before I put a bullet in your fucking brain.” Cade hung up the phone and threw it against the driveway, smashing it. I regarded the scene blankly, unable to process anything.

“What the fuck?” Ian spat at Cade.

Cade ignored him, striding towards me, tugging me away from Ian and into his arms. He carried me inside like a bride, I would have found that funny, maybe, if I wasn’t feeling numb. Cade sat on the couch in the living room cradling me in his arms, Ian hot on his heels.

“That was him wasn’t it?” my brother bit out, shaking with fury. “That fucker is meant to be in prison!” Ian yelled, making me flinch.

“Ian, check yourself or get the fuck out of here,” Cade ordered, glaring at my brother before directing a soft gaze at me.

“You’re okay, Gwen, you’re here with me and I won’t let anything touch you. You’re safe,” Cade told me firmly, arms tight around me. I realized I was shaking.

“Get her a shot, tequila,” Cade ordered my brother, who glared at him a moment, but disappeared to do as he asked.

“Gwen, talk to me.”

I couldn’t reply, my mind was still replaying images I had buried deep, images that Jimmy’s words had thrust to the surface. Cade lifted me up and placed me on the couch, kneeling in front of me with his hands at my face.

“Look in my eyes baby, get out of your head. You’re safe, always will be.” His words were a promise, eyes blazing.

Ian entered the room, shot glass in hand, which he quickly handed to Cade. Cade held it between us.

“Drink baby,” he ordered, his firm tone rousing me slightly. My shaking hand wrapped around the glass and I threw it back, feeling the burn of the alcohol warm my insides.

“Good girl.”

I stared into his steely grey eyes, finding my strength. Cade’s previous words sounded in my ears, fighting away the demons. I smiled at him weakly.

“So meeting my brother went well,” I remarked dryly.

Cade looked at me intensely, then pulled me in for a rough kiss, despite our audience.

“You sit with Ian for a bit, baby, I’ve got to make some calls, okay?”

I nodded slowly and Cade watched me a beat then stood.

“You want to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Ian asked Cade, face hard. “How the fuck can that prick call her? He’s in prison.”

My thoughts exactly. Shit was he out? My body started shaking again.

“Cool it and sit with Gwen while I find out what the fuck is going on.”

Ian looked seriously pissed at being ordered around, but one look at me had him joining me on the sofa. He drew me into his shoulder.

“I promise you’ll be okay Ace, no one will hurt you,” he promised.

I didn’t say anything, I just rested my head on his shoulder, trying to listen to Cade, but only hearing a few raised curses.

“This is bullshit,” I whispered quietly to myself. How the fuck can this fucker almost kill me once, hurt not only me but everyone I love and then once I am healed come and rip me open and ruin the first time I see my brother? Fuck that. I was not going to be a weak broken woman anymore.

“This is bullshit!” I yelled suddenly, struggling out of Ian’s arms to stand and pace the room.

“Ace…” he started, standing to approach me.

I threw up my hands pushing him away to continue my pacing. “Seriously, what the fuck Ian? This cannot happen all over again! I won’t let it! That piece of shit is not going to ruin your visit, and he certainly isn’t getting to me anymore. I am happy. Happy!” I glared at him, my expression contradicting my words, but I didn’t care; I kept ranting. “The prick is in some jail in New York, eating filthy prison food, getting infections from homemade tattoo guns and most likely taking regular ass rapings from a man named ‘Big Earl.’ I am here, running a successful business living in a beautiful town surrounded by friends. I have a sexy as shit man who cares about me and a brother who has my back no matter what,” I declared fiercely.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic