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When I approached the door, Stefano reached for my upper arm and took hold. It didn’t hurt, but his grasp was tight. He led me into the room and forced me to sit on the wool blanket by pushing me down. He knelt down and reached into his pants pocket, pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

“I don’t want you to put those on me,” I said as panic began to set in. I wasn’t sure what his plan was, but I could see how pissed off I had made him. Seeing the handcuffs threw me back into my twisted reality.

I was a captive. Not a guest. No rights, no options, nothing.

He didn’t reply but instead grabbed my wrists in front of my body, clasped the metal rings securely around them, and locked them with a small key he had in his hand. They were tight enough that when I moved even slightly, they pinched. I could feel my flesh connect with the cool restraint but with how tight they were, I wondered how long it would be until I lost all feeling.

Pulling out another item from his pocket, it didn’t take me long to recognize a metal butt plug. Placing it at my lips, Stefano said, “You’ll discover soon enough that I have little patience for naughty girl tactics. I don’t find bratting sexy at all, and I will put an end to it quickly. Open your mouth.”

A butt plug? Was this my punishment for pissing in front of him? Both brothers had warned me to behave… repeatedly.

Not being given the chance to comply, Stefano pushed the metal past my lips and moved it in and out of my mouth, rubbing it along my tongue with each pass. “I’d advise you to get it nice and wet, because that’s the only lube you’re getting.”

He didn’t allow it to be in my mouth long enough for me to do as he ordered, instead he pushed me onto my stomach. The movement was awkward due to the handcuffs, so lying there was far from comfortable as my body was contorted. He only made it worse when he spread my legs wide and pushed the butt plug inside of me without any warning. The biting pop had me crying out in surprise more than pain.

I tried to wiggle and push the invading implant out of me to no avail. “Please. It stings. It’s too big. It’s stretching me.”

“Yes, that’s the point.” He stood up, not caring in the slightest that I was growing more distressed by the second.

“Please, I’m sorry. I’m more sorry than you can know,” I took a deep breath as I turned around and kneeled before him. “The cuffs are too tight.” I extended my wrists to him so he could see for himself and hopefully have mercy.

“Enough with the pleading,” he interrupted. Without saying another word, he opened the door and exited, leaving me alone in my prison.

Hysteria set in. There was no way I would be able to endure what these brothers had in store for me. I was a strong woman, but no one was this strong. I looked up at the camera in the corner hoping someone was watching.

“I’m scared! Terrified. Please. There has to be a way that you’ll let me go. Please.”

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t breathe!

Every time I moved, the handcuffs seemed to tighten. The rough edges were rubbing my skin raw as I pushed and pulled in hopes that somehow I could move them up or down my arm like a loose bracelet.

Kneeling as I was, the butt plug seemed to be stretching me so wide, I worried I would tear. The weight of the metal sat heavy inside of me, and I wondered how long I would have to wear it. Would Stefano ever take it out? I couldn’t with my wrists in the handcuffs. There was nothing I could do.

I got up and walked to the full-length mirror to see if I could see the plug in my ass. When I saw my reflection in the mirror, the pink skin of my ass from the earlier discipline made my horrid plight even more of a reality. Staring back at me was nothing but a woman who was at the mercy of two of the most ruthless and feared men in the world.

Running over to the door, I pounded my cuffed fists against the wood and screamed into it. “Don’t leave me in here like this! Everything is too tight, too big. Too painful. I’m panicking. I thought I could do this. That I could be the compliant captive. But I can’t. I can’t. Do you hear me? Someone come back in here!” I banged my hands on the door as hard as I could over and over.

Complete silence.

I twisted my head to look back at the camera. I could see the red light on. There had to be someone watching. “Please! Thomas! Stefano! I swear to you that I’ll be good. I’ll be good and never give you an issue again. Just please allow me out of this room. Take the cuffs off and the plug out. Let me earn it! Let me earn it as a comfort item. Please.”

Tags: Alta Hensley Erotic