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Marco was smart enough to look away from the security television screen and make eye contact with me instead. “Understood,” he quickly answered. The other two men nodded as well.

Satisfied, I continued on. “There are cameras everywhere, and I want one person manned in this room at all times watching over her.” I paused and glared at each of them in warning. “No jacking off. And if Stefano or I are in the room with her, I want eyes off the screen. This isn’t free porn. I also want men at the gate and patrolling the premises twenty-four/seven. No one should be aware of our location, but I wouldn’t put it past the fuckers to figure it out.”

My attention was pulled back to the screen where Stefano had Hailey spread wide shaving her pussy. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Smirking, I shook my head. He was a kinky son of a bitch.

Trying to refocus, I continued. “Don’t furnish her room until my brother or I tell you. She’ll be earning her items one at a time. For now, furnish the room next door to hers so we have all the pieces on hand. Hold no expenses back. Only the best linens, a four-post bed, rugs, drapes, art. Have it all. Hopefully, our naughty girl earns it all.”

“What about the rest of the house?” Marco asked. “There’s no furniture other than the beds in your and Stefano’s rooms.”

“Add a table and chairs to the kitchen. Bare minimum. I’m not sure how long we’re staying, but the manor won’t be a permanent residence. No need to make it feel like home.”

Glancing back at the television, my cock grew hard. She was bare. Her sexy, pink pussy was smooth and mouthwatering delicious.

Focus, asshole. Focus.

“Bring the cook from Naples here, though,” I added. “I want someone to go to her place and show we were there. Trash the place. Make it look like she put up a fight. It won’t be the first time a rat turned up dead. The Feds will be pissed, and whoever the idiot was that let her leave without protection will be fired.”

“My in over there is getting rid of any incriminating evidence from the files confiscated in her office,” Marco said. I didn’t expect anything less from the man but nodded my approval.

“Stefano and I will try to conduct as much business as we can from here, but we will have to leave from time to time when need be. I’ll want security beefed up during those times. But our location is on a need to know. Only our most trusted inner circle and no one else. No one.”

The men nodded, and I could tell they were taking it all in and would execute my every detail with the utmost attention. Stefano and I ran a tight ship, and everyone who worked for us knew just how detail-oriented and what perfectionists we were. Our demands were high, but our rewards were plenty.

I peeked at the screen again only to see Hailey’s naked body on all fours.

My hardening cock was dying for attention. Dying a slow death.

How long would I have to wait to fuck her?

How long could I wait? That was really the question.

Pulling my eyes away, I gave my last order. “It’s just a matter of time until we will be welcoming a new Bennato to the family. We need to make our family impenetrable. To those who want us dead… I expect you to get your crew together and kill them first. Leave no enemy of ours alive. Time’s ticking, gentlemen. Don’t let me down.”

Not being able to watch Hailey from afar any longer, I left the security office to begin phase one of our plan.

Teach this lady a lesson.

Time to pay, Hailey Parker. Time to pay.

* * *


When I entered my assigned room, Thomas was standing by the window with his back toward me. He seemed lost in thought, and I wondered if he had even heard me enter. I took a few more steps inside, unsure what I should do next.

“You did good in there,” he said, still not turning around. “I was watching the entire time.”

I held my hands in front of my bare mound and had never felt so exposed before in my life. I noticed that there were cameras in the corners of my room, but they were not nearly as invasive as having Gio standing only a few feet away zooming in and out with a camera in order to get every close-up angle he could. The thought of what must have been captured and forever theirs to view whenever they chose made me ill. I knew the men were fucked up, but I had no idea just how much until now.

Thomas turned around and stared at me, examining my nudity as if he was making sure I was ‘dressed’ properly for this twisted party of which I was a forced guest. The cool air of the room mixing with the cold stare of Thomas had my nipples hardening and shivers running up my spine.

Tags: Alta Hensley Erotic