Page 41 of Forbidden

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“Drives a little rattletrap cracker box,” I interrupted, punching myself mentally because I hadn’t replaced that awful thing for her, despite any protests she might have voiced.



It sounded as if it were an accident, but I knew enough how hits were made to look. Did someone try to kill her? Had they failed but would try again?

“And the other driver?” I asked.

“He’s fine,” the doctor answered.

I nodded as a mixture of rage and uncertainty ran through me. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but right now the only thing that mattered was Raychel.

I ran my hand over my face and into my hair. “I want to see her.”

“Follow me. But you can’t stay for long.”

“Of course I’m staying. As long as she needs me.” I would kill anyone who dared try to stop me.

Jay held open the curtains to an exam room in the corner. When I first saw her, I wanted to start crying like a damn baby, but didn’t, in case she was awake. I didn’t want her to become frightened if she saw me bawling all over her.

She was bandaged or in a cast from head to foot. There wasn’t much left for the hospital johnnie to cover. Her face was swollen and bruised between the bandages, and I could see spots where the blood from the road rash cuts and scrapes had bled through. Her right arm and opposite leg were in casts, and her eyes were closed. At least, I thought her eyes were closed. Her face was so swollen that it was hard to tell.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Jay said, “She’s had some pain meds, so she’s probably asleep. If you’re going to stay, then I’ll have the nurse bring you a chair.”

I wasn’t paying him one bit of attention. My eyes were for the patient. Jay sighed and remained in place for a second. “Polov. Is she related to Dasha?”


Jay nodded. “He was a good man. I’ll be keeping an eye on her. She’s going to be admitted, and the both of you will be more comfortable once she’s moved to a room.”

I didn’t notice whether or not he left. Jay had been right, though. About the only place I could touch her skin was her left elbow, which was exactly where I put my hand, feeling the warmth of her skin, and hoping that my touch would help her know she wasn’t alone.

“I’m right here, honey. It’s Anthony. I’m right beside you, and you’re going to be fine. Sleep all you can, baby. It’s good for you, and it’ll help you heal. I’ll be right here when you wake up, I promise.” I tried to keep my voice as steady as I could, but it was a real struggle.

A tall, thin woman in a nurse’s uniform appeared with a chair, and I barely thanked her before sinking down into it and resuming my former position.

I stayed that way for hours, until Raychel finally began to stir, moaning with each movement. I was instantly at her head, and although I itched to touch her, I didn’t for fear I would accidentally hurt her. “Sh-shh-shhh, sweetie. It’s okay. It’s Anthony. I’m right here.”

Those green eyes opened—barely—and seemed to be only slightly fuzzy. “Anthony?” Her voice was raspy and uncertain.

“Yes, baby, I’m right here.” I leaned toward her, still excruciatingly careful not to touch her anywhere that might hurt, which seemed to be pretty much everywhere.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital. You had an accident.”

“I did?”

“Yeah. But you’re going to be fine.”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are. And I’m going to be right here with you always, okay?”

She tried to nod, but that wasn’t a good idea. Her yelp of pain made me start.

“Raychel, I just want you to stay still. You’re pretty badly hurt, but you’re going to be okay. It’s nothing that can’t be fixed, and your head aches because of the concussion. You’re going to be in the hospital for a few days, but it’s nothing more serious than some broken bones that’ll heal right up, baby. No problems. You just go back to sleep, and I’ll stay right here next to you.”

She was asleep again before I finished my sentence, and I wasn’t at all sure that she was going to remember anything of what I had told her the next time she woke up.

That wasn’t until after dawn, when I had spent the entire night in an extremely uncomfortable chair. Nurses had been popping in and out for quite some time because they’d found her a room, and no sooner had she awakened then the transport team arrived to take her upstairs to her room.

“Anthony?” she asked, sounding like a worried little girl.

“I’m right here, Raychel. Right here.”

* * *


His soothing tones washed over me, taking my tension and fear with it. If Anthony was here, everything was going to be all right.

Tags: Alta Hensley Romance